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Chapter five
09.02.2021 17:14
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When they were finally done talking, the sun had set beneath the trees, their leaves whispering softly to each other like a bunch of gossiping girls. They kept whispering “It’s him.” It’s who? Did the trees know Void? Or is it some other reason that Croy was unaware of. Void seemed like he really was a nice person, and Croy didn’t understand why Spirit didn’t seem to even care about his existence. Note to self: Ask her about it later. Void insisted to stay up and keep watch while the other two slept, because it’s not smart to attack unknown territory at night. There was no arguing with him, so Croy climbed into my tree, where he kept a collection of random trinkets. A scrap of burnt wood, a gold and green compas with the symbol of a strange leaf on the back, a leather dictionary, a stick with markings from beetles all over it, a scrap of metal, a rock named Eyck, and a leather bag.
09.02.2021 17:14
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Croy picked each item up, studied it carefully, then put them in the bag. He looked down from my tree, and saw Void sitting on the log that Croy had been sitting on when Spirit attacked him. Croy leaned against the worn bark, the dark waters were barely visible among the leaves that continued to gossip “He’s the one. He’s the one who will clear the way.” It was dawn, the cold air bit into Croy’s skin, making him shiver. He looked down, and saw Void sitting on one side of the clearing, while Spirit sat on the other side, her back to him, studying her dagger, muttering angrily. Croy felt embarrassed as he flung his bag over his shoulders, and climbed carefully out of his tree. Neither of them moved. “Um, hi? Good morning.” Croy said carefully, walking into the middle of the clearing. Void looked up, then walked to where Croy was. Spirit did likewise.
09.02.2021 17:14
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“I thought you weren't coming?” Void commented bitterly, studying Spirit careful. “I am coming. I probably would die if I did not come, okay? I don’t want to, but I don’t want to die.” She replied stubbornly, crossing her arms. Void let out a disappointed sigh. Croy couldn’t help but laugh, but he tried, and failed to cover it with a laugh. Void cleared his throat then said, “Okay. So today, do we just walk up?” Croy nodded. “That is the best way to be able to confront who ever is in charge.” Spirit raised her eyebrows suspiciously. “ I thought you worked with him.” Croy turned red, offended. “Just because I worked for him, doesn’t mean I know his name!” Void nodded, and Spirit muttered “Fair enough.”
09.02.2021 17:14
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Croy led the way, but Void and Spirit followed closely behind him, making them be in more of a line, so that an observer would have no clue who was leading. It suited Croy just fine, because he hasn't done anything like this before. Fear gripped Croy’s chest, swallowing his excitement. What if we fail? What if I fail? He shook my head, trying to shake his fear, finding himself unsuccessful. Croy looked at Void, who’s expression was unreadable. He couldn’t help but feel grateful for his help. Even if they didn’t win, they would at least make an impact. The trees seem to think Void would be the change. But, Croy was not so sure. Void seemed so shy, so scared, and easily pushed around. First impressions are not always correct. As they walked, the trees gradually faded into a large patchwork of fields. In the center, was a tall, black barn surrounded by a cluster of pitiful buildings. Spirit gasped, her eyes grew wide.
09.02.2021 17:14
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Someone was coming. Straight towards us. “Well, what do we do now? Do we just wait, or should we hide?” She asked mockingly. Croy whimpered, the fear numbing his senses. “I- I don’t know!” Croy managed, eyes watering. Spirit sighed. “Well. What do you think we should do, Sherlock?” She snapped at Void, looking furious. Void closed his eyes and sighed heavily. “I want to see where this goes. Improvise. Sometimes that is smarter than a plan.” Spirit looked like someone had slapped her in the face. “You don’t even know what you're doing!” She snapped.
09.02.2021 17:15
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Void turned to look at her, unimpressed. “ Why, do you have a better plan?” Spirit gawked, flabber ghast. “ Fine! You do what you do! But I am out!” “ I was never asking you to stay.” Void responded, remarkably calm. Spirit turned, but before she went too far, she was confronted by a tall, strange albino boy. Croy whimpered, Void stared, and Spirit screamed. “Who are you and why are you here?”
09.02.2021 17:15
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{Done with five}
09.02.2021 17:23
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Omg you are so talented! Keep writing! :D
09.02.2021 17:24
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thank you ^^
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