Social class struggle
06.11.2024 21:20
LinkI did an investigation of this for a thesis-project
06.11.2024 21:26
LinkThe theory of class struggle is an important concept. The history of
humanity is the history of conflicts and antagonisms between different
social classes, the arising conflict from the contradictions inherent to the production system and power relations between owners of the means of production and those who only possess their labour force. According to Karl Marx, this theory is key in his analysis of the economic and social structures, suggesting that the engine of change history is found in these class conflicts that arise from the inequality in the distribution of wealth and power.
06.11.2024 21:33
LinkMarx maintains that social classes emerge in societies in which the means of production are unequally distributed, in his work “Communist Manifesto” In its first chapter, “Burgeois and Proletarians” Marx and Friedrich Engels explain how, in each era historically, society has been divided between oppressors and oppressed, known as bourgeois and proletariats, bourgeois as the oppressor, proletariats as the oppressed, Since ancient Rome, with its "patricians and plebeians", until the Middle Ages with the feudal lords and serfs, and finally in the capitalist era with bourgeois and proletarians. Marx points out that this pattern of domination and exploitation is what characterizes each production system and is the source of conflicts that eventually lead to changes in the economic and political system 😱
06.11.2024 21:37
LinkIn modern times, the capitalist system has generated two main classes in the conflict, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie is the class that owns the means of production, such as factories, land and capital, and therefore, has control over the productive process and the profits formed. On the other hand, the proletariat is the working class, that does not have means of production and which depends on its work and income to survive (Most people)
06.11.2024 21:38
LinkSorry if it has grammar mistakes, I'm translating it with my English skills 😓
06.11.2024 21:41
Linkthe contradiction between capital and labor is unsustainable in the long term, since the system Capitalism tends to generate ever deeper inequalities and increasingly harsh living conditions for the proletariat, which is happening in our current society.
06.11.2024 21:51
LinkThe role of the State and society in this context is fundamental, since that these institutions play a crucial role in perpetuating or transformation of class relations and inequalities linked to the capitalist system, with that, we can address that the State and the society influence and are influenced by class struggle