history of flipanim
07.07.2019 03:34
Linklemme type
07.07.2019 03:52
LinkFlipAnim started as a small site in April 8th 2016. back then, it lacked the clone feature and stuff like that. It had an 100 frames limit. it changed the 14th. On the 26th, flipanim added the saving frames feature. you got to see anims in august.soon after you got to see featured anims there instead of normal.
07.07.2019 04:00
Linklets skip to 2017. You got to comment and make accounts and stuff like that. this is when it started to become the fa we know. btw the first major update was the pen update. not long after, following users! there were updates like paint bucket and stuff i might be missing but im trying ;-;
07.07.2019 04:18
LinkMay 10, 2017, added load and save. Added attach zoom setting, and the ability to delete. after tons of inactivity, flipanim returned with a surprise for us all: the beta editor. early version: you can accses it with that present icon. there was that one time where it lacked the paint can. the gift box was removed, so then you were able to access the editor by clicking, "check out new updated beta editor!" the new one sadly doesn't have that blue eraser, but...... it has the paint can, and other stuff. thats all i got for today so... FlipAnim, if you are reading this, happy late birthday!
07.07.2019 04:19