Let Me Type...
02.12.2018 02:50
LinkOh go on a rant ***** suuure
02.12.2018 02:50
Linkit will just make you lose more friends
02.12.2018 02:50
02.12.2018 02:55
LinkComment all you want ***** nothing's gonna change!
02.12.2018 02:58
Linka ***** is a female dog try me
02.12.2018 03:31
LinkSTOP FIGHTING ((I’m sorry.))
Ok so one of my "friends" made a new acc to hide who he was and it was called @TinCan
if your following that account UNFOLLOW THEM!
Ethan-Bean hasn't been on in 6 hours and @TinCan's first upload was 4 hours ago their art style is the same and they have the same coloring!
Ethan-Bean has made 3 ACCOUNTS SO FAR!
I'm tired of that ***** anyway
BYE ETHAN! that was your last chance
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Neon...Stay out of this it's none of your business...
Ethan... You made 3 ****ING ACCOUNTS! The problem with making 3 different accounts is that you were pretending it wasn't you when you obviously have the same art style! Also I never really said I wanted to kill myself and even if I did it would just be vents!
Okay ***** let's get something straight, who cares if I make 3 accounts that doesn't mean anything, stop being butthurt over it and get a ****ing life
second, vents count as saying something you idiot
third, there's a reason i do that but that wasnt mine and you have no way to prove that anyone can use colors and make it look the same so who cares
But im already in it so its also your fault for causing drama on a pointless thing as to making harmless accounts its plain stupid So what if Ethan made another account many people make accounts and its so stupid that im laughing, its very dramatic that you would as so vent about it, you need to 1. shut up, 2. Get up, 3. Lie up, And 4. Get your facts straight, Because honey this is nothing needed to cause drama for
Getting your "Girlfriend" to back you up... Thats ****ing weak! I can bet that's another one of your accounts too... I'M ONLY ****ING 12 DAMN, TREATING ME LIKE SHIT TRYING TO GET A ****ING 12 YEAR OLD TO KILL THEMSELVES?! THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU! Ok... I'm just ****ing done have a great ****ing life without me to back you up!~
Sincerely- Nummy Gummy
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Were all in the wrong for joining in on this drama and thats ok, we were made by God, and we are humans, were not perfect we make mistakes, Ive done many wrong things and yet everyone deserves love, And in all honesty the one most responsible for all this is NummyGummy, she is clearly the one ranting about how Ethan made 3 accounts and refuses to claim its him, other people do the same thing why target Ethan? Also he doesnt have to claim its him if he chooses not too, its perfectly ok its against his privacy to force him to
we are all made by god. But in no matter or way does that mean that we all deserve hate. Especially for something retarded like this situation. take your deserted crisis and stop ranting for something that should have never been dramatized, and please don't ever act like a toddler over me, please and thank you. Amen
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Alright alright. this is all nummy's fault for even caring about it. It's my privacy why should I have to tell anyone anyways, especially even if I was trying to hide myself? Why should I have to tell people that. It's my privacy and my choice and she just took that and turned it into drama and you already know later she's gonna be asking to be friends again then she's gonna be saying she's going to kill herself even though she'll be back and then she'll try to get my attention about her vent she made so I'll cheer her all up. But boo hoo honey, that ain't gonna happen
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