- create flipbook animations online!
new book (chpter 1)
24.09.2021 16:43
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24.09.2021 16:43
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It was late autumn and I had just finished school. I was excited to come home to see mommy and daddy! Who would be!? I skipped along the sidewalk watching my feet go up and down “daddy!” I scream running up to my dad hugging him “hey buddy!” he says hugging me tightly “Chocolate made some snacks for you” he said getting up from his crouching position “mommy!!” i ran inside tackling my mom “hey d.b” she said picking me up and placing me down in my seat “i made-” i cut her off saving time to get to the delicious meal “i know dad already told me!” I said , shooting her a smile. “”oh,” she looked surprised.'' Well, I'll get it out” she said walking away. I hum and swing my feet back and forth “i wonder what it is!” i said to mrs.cupid my reindeer stuffed toy. “Maybe, it's carrots and humus!” i said, eyes gleaming “..” she was silent “yeah you're right we ran out of carrots yesterday..” i said pondering “I told you! I don't want to get involved, she's bad news!” Huh? Why's dad yelling? I get up and sl
24.09.2021 16:43
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slowly creep my way to see mommy and daddy yelling at each other “please, i don't want her near him with her record” dad shouted “shes family!” “shes a murder!” Mommy and daddy never yelled at each other! They were always so happy together and just a bit ago mommy and daddy were happy! What happened..? Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I visibly flench at the sudden contact “hey..uh buddy how bout you go outside with your friends for a bit while mom and i talk.?” he asked softly I never in my life denied going out with a friend! I mean I love play dates! “Ok,” I nod “love you!” i said waving while going out to the backyard “Wait! I forgot mrs.cupid!” I ran to the door and tried to open it but...it wouldn't budge! “Momm!!!” i yell “dadddd!!”... no answer. I sigh and sit down “wait..” I thought to myself before coming to a realization “there's gotta be another way in!”
24.09.2021 16:43
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Mommy and daddy never liked me getting out of the backyard because I could get hurt but this was important! I go around the house looking for a side door, anything! But no luck.. “BAM!” i turned around quickly in surprise “...uh..hello..?” “BAM!” I made my way to the strange noises, i mean, what if a kitty was hurt! “hello..?” “UHAHAHAHAHA!” i hear a woman laughing in the distance and see a pink haired girl get flung across the room I let out an audible gasp and hid behind trash cans “well well well pie..” i look up to see a purple haired lady on a grey big bunny “looks like todays the day you die..” she said to who i believe is ‘pie’ “th-they won't believe you..” she said whimpering and hardly standing “i'm not looking for anyone to believe me..” she said trapping her in a corner with the big grey bunnies sharp jaw “And now you'll die by the one person you loved” “b-bonex..” pie let out a silent sob as bonex hesitated “cmon girl go on and kill her!” the purple one shouted “...” the bunny just sat st
24.09.2021 16:44
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UGH! Fine! If you won't do it I will!” she said, grabbing a gun and then.. “BLAM!” Her hat fell silently as the gun smoked “lets go..” she said hopping on the bunny once more and riding away tbc
24.09.2021 16:46
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info and stuff so this is about lore i have been doing for about 3+ years now but i always did it animated which tired me.. so now im doing writing anywho if i follow you chances of you being in this are high
26.09.2021 22:15
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