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Chapter eight
10.02.2021 15:39
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The three journeyed on, Void moving slower than before. Croy circled Void and Spirit, and occasionally went ahead, then came back with an update. It was near sundown when they stopped at a base of a cliff in a forest. There were caves spotting the cliff face, and in front of it was a clearing. Void sank to the ground almost instantly, exhaustion weighing him down. Croy looked at him worriedly. “Will he be alright?” “He will be fine” Spirit snapped “Go and get some firewood and things we can sleep on. I’ll see if I can get some food. Void, uh…. Keep guard.” Croy nodded, hurrying off into the forest, and Spirit did likewise, going in the opposite direction. Void sighed, leaning against a rock. The wound the sword had left was starting to get infected, but they had nothing to treat it. None of them were trained. Croy had said something about talking to trees, but wasn't able to help.
10.02.2021 15:39
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The most they did was find a large leaf and tied it around his head to stop him from bleeding all over the place. Even with the leaf, Void felt his warm blood seep down the side of his face. Croy came back, carrying large, dry sticks. “Hey Void, can you start the fire? I got to go get some bedding or something along those lines.” Void nodded, and watched as Croy piled the sticks in the middle of the clearing. Croy turned to Void again. “ Are you feeling alright?” “ A little light headed.” And that was true. His head throbbed with pain, making it hard to think, the darkness of unconsciousness threatening in his vision.
10.02.2021 15:39
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Croy looked worried. “ I’ll be right back.” he turned, and went back into the woods. Void got up slowly, using the rocks as support, getting close to the sticks, then sat down. He piled the sticks in a pyramid, setting one aside. He took the last stick and striked it against the stone. Again and again he repeated, sparks flying up, then the stick caught aflame. Void jumped in shock, placing the blazing twig in the pile. Fire. One of the first things he was taught. The memory danced in his vision, blocking him from the world around him. A younger Void stood in the middle of a clearing, with another kid around his age. The kid had peculiar black, gray and white hair, and dark green eyes. Adan Void thought, greif tugging at him. Nathan walked up, and started to say something, but Void couldn't hear it. There was another noise. Weird. “Void! Can you hear me?” someone was shaking him, nervous. Void snapped back to reality, meeting Croy’s bright green eyes.
10.02.2021 15:40
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Spirit was back, with some plants and a small lizard. “Yeah, I can.” Void replied, his voice shaking. Croy sighed with relief. “Thank the trees.” Spirit cleared her throat. “ If you two are done, can you find something to cook this over the fire?” She nodded towards the lizard. “We don’t want indigestion.” Croy sighed, getting up, looking around. Void sat back, longing for the memory to come back, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t go back. Croy found a large flat stone and made a stand for it, the tongues of flame engulfing the stone. Spirit put the gutted lizard on the stone, then handed the two some of the herbs. “You’re welcome.” “Thank you,” Croy said, taking the food gratefully. Spirit turned towards Void. “ So what's your brilliant plan now Void?” She spat his name, like it was the worst insult anyone could ever hear.
10.02.2021 15:40
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“Hey! Be nice to Void! He saved us from that...man.” Croy finished awkwardly. Void flinched. “ That man is my bastard of a father” “ VOID! He’s eleven!” “Who cares?! Void’s right. ” Croy snapped. Spirit looked flustered. “I- Anyway, who’s going to keep watch?” Void looked up. “ I can” “Void, no. You need to recover. I’ll keep watch.” Void looked flustered, but did not argue. “Alright then. Void, you take the far cave, Croy’ll keep watch.” Void nodded, and went to the far cave. There was a large leaf there already. He could hear Spirit say to Croy, “ You are the only shot he’s got.”
10.02.2021 15:40
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{and thats 8}
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