whn its so bad u do it in clas


15.10.2024 11:38
Linkit ****ing itches tho

15.10.2024 11:39
Linkmy not deep cuts are all fading which sucks but at least the others are scarring in pink im NORMAL

15.10.2024 11:40
Linki lost my phone so i wasn't able to bring it to school and i got yelled at ALL morning. my step dad is mean i dont like him i was just a bit late no need to ****ing scream at me. now he's probably gonna tell mum smth entirely different and she's gonna believe him ://

15.10.2024 11:42
Linki wonder if im just really good at hiding the fact im literally cutting myself in class or if they just don't give a **** here

15.10.2024 11:44
Linki hate existig i might try to take mh life (again) ive been in complete agony for days it's not even something i can laugh off anymore

15.10.2024 11:45
Linki cut my arms yet my ****ing stomach hurts?????make it make sense

15.10.2024 11:48
Linki hate being here i hate living yesterday my mum absolutely broke down because everything was too much for her yet when i was overstimulated the other day she just got mad at me and started talking bad about me to her best friend????? that's kinda mean mum!!! when you broke down i comforted you and helped you and was there for you AND i handled my brothers on top of that!!! yet all you did was get mad at me, you ain't even TRY to understand😭🙏

15.10.2024 11:50
Linki am so tired rn i wanna nap i might since i dont really do work here anyway

15.10.2024 11:50
Linkim so nauseous i hate ths and my whole body huurtsand im freezing todayh sucks

15.10.2024 12:02
Linkaccidentally got blood on my cool pants :(

15.10.2024 12:10
Linkexisting is HORRIBLE styooopkokl,

15.10.2024 12:13
Linki hate everythign iwant to get shot in the head

15.10.2024 12:16
Linki hate psychology so ****ing much i wanna get out of here and i realized ihave to stop cutting myself because next class they'll be noticeable but wtv ihateeee everyone im NOT happy

15.10.2024 12:17
Linkever since mizu5 happened ive been in AGONY what the **** im blaming mizu5

15.10.2024 12:18
Linkim freezing idk what to do aruofjnsm im so cold and i miss my friends

15.10.2024 12:19
Linki especially miss my favorite person tho

15.10.2024 12:20
Linki wanna go home and just sleep with my kittie

15.10.2024 12:23
LinkAHH amygdala mentioned in the video. ghost and pals reference!!!!!

15.10.2024 12:23
Linkew talking about hormones i hate hormones they make me a bit crazy heh,,,,