vocal stimming
03.03.2024 04:19
Linkbro vocal stimming SUCKS because you cant control it and you do it without realizing
03.03.2024 04:19
Linklike when peopletell me to stop i try to and then i do it again on accident and they yell at me like SORRY I CANT HELP IT?????
03.03.2024 04:21
LinkESP WHEN MY VOCAL STIMS ARE THE MOST ANNOYING SHIT EVER OH MY GOD LIKE MEOWING IT MAKES ME WANT TO RIP OUT MY HAIR I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW I DEVELOPED THAT AS A VOCALSTIM KMS. but then theres also "whu the heel!" "boy what the hell boy" "har har har har har" "erm gois? is this freddy fazbear?" omg i am the annoyingest mf to be around I SWEARRRRRR this is why i have no friendw
Naw dawg one time in math class I found that I was singing that one song in a;l those therian videos 😭
“We’re gonna be eaten by a coyote run little one though the pack may follow two quite— wait wtf”
Thank god I did it quietly 😭