The Acount is Ready
25.09.2020 04:14
Link*does the hype dance
Here You Go:
The first anim.
Here are the rules. Please follow them:
1. If your gonna make NSFW art, mark it as 18+ for the love of god. People are doing it everywhere lately.
2. Do not share passwords. (simple, right? WRONG(Well... for some of you at least)
3. Do not post hate art of any user whatsoever.
4. Don't say slurs. Easy. ****!!!
5. Don't steal, trace or copy art. COUGH COUGH *BunnyfromPiggy* COUGH COUGH
6. Shit, I'm running out of ideas for rules. Someone help
7. I can only share the passwords with you if I can trust you well enough
8. No, srsly. I'm running low on ideas