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Welcome to Jurassic Park

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Experience Tranquility XD


dont try this at school kids
the hobbie drama. -rat


06.10.2020 09:02
Linkthis drama is on youtube/discord. now, zara is also known as taki or glitch-fan1 here on flipanim, she was a friend to the first shitpost account to get 1000 followers, inksaforever. and, taki was NOT a good friend towards inksaforever. she would manipulate them. inksa then exposed taki which got her off of FA, but they became friends again on discord, but zara (aka taki) was toxic, so inksa made a awareness video on them, hobbie noticed and decided to attack inksa and started to be HOMOPHOBIC towards inksa. inksa then made more videos on her, and when hobbie asked her to stop, inksa did. but hobbie? well, she continued which made inksa start back up again. now, hobbie is a 10 year old, and she obviously doesnt know what the karen term means. anyways, so, she was told to get off of discord since she was underaged, and she didnt, so she is breaking discord's TOS. hobbie lied about inksa to everyone she ****ing met. do not trust anyone who has a server with "conshellion" or if their name is hobbie- or josephine

06.10.2020 09:02
Linkor zara. because its not worth it being her friend. zara has faked suicides, self harm, disorders and now sexualities, i wonder what she will fake next?

06.10.2020 09:04
Linkthats the drama, and heres my own opinion.
hobbie is NOT smart nor a good person. they need to respect social sites TOS. and needs to stop blocking people because they have an opinion (offensive joke incoming), man, shes the ****ing chinese government now.

06.10.2020 09:04