Geno&Frisk【Streaming Heart
Fox Dragon
Only 90's kids will remember -
I'm done trying
26.01.2018 22:16
Linkif you didn't want me to go to the musical you couldve ****ing said no instead of making up these reasons
first it was pass spanish
I did that
then you added on fixing missing assignments
i did that, and I was so ****ing pumped to go today
and then I got a bad grade on a test and now I can't ****ing go and I don't care anymore, I don't care, I don't want to do things, I want to sit in my room and cry and scream and throw things because I'm so ****ing pissed off
26.01.2018 22:17
LinkI'm done doing things, I'm done going out. What if I just say "**** school, **** doing anything fun" and give up
I'm done going to gay club, I apparently am not allowed to do anything outside of school, so I quit doing things. I'm just. I'm done.