

24.10.2020 02:04
Linkwondering if i actually do have any mental health issues

24.10.2020 02:04
Linkor like
disorders or something

if you have symptoms of them? if theres history in your family? you probably do!!
adhd is usually self-diagnosable, and mood disorders like depression are as well, even if only to a certain extent. and for simpler or more common disorders, you can usually figure that out with a school counselor to see if there’s a higher chance. you can also go without diagnosis and self-medicate- with melatonin, over-the-counter tablets, caffeine, etc. not only that, but you can take tips for issues that you MIGHT have and use them anyway!! it works out :)

yeah, my mom says that my brother probably has adhd and that im likely to have it, and ive been looking into it more lately and going 'hm. this stuff happens to me. wOAH WAIT THAT'S ME I HAVE THESE SYMPTOMS'
i dont know if my family has a history of adhd or stuff like that tho and ive been curious, but have never been able to figure out a good way to ask.
and im not sure if i have depression to an extent? my mom says i have some percent of it (but i never got medically diagnosed). uh
i have insomnia and there's probably like.
medicine to help with that but i hate taking medicine
ive heard caffeine works wonders for helping people with adhd or adhd symptoms chill out and calm down and stuff, and it really helps me!! in fact hot coffee makes me sleepy,,

yeah!! if youre struggling with adhd i strongly recommend always sitting up during online classes, and drinking caffeine daily. also vitamin gummies can help!! if you get some like,, 1 a day vitamin supplements? or b12 tablets? they help a ton. and with depression!! i think itd be a good idea to regularly communicate with people and go on walks! accompanied by CONSISTENT self care
and for insomnia? you can buy melatonin at like. Any walgreens or cvs ever

im like, 70 percent sure im having issues with adhd SYMPTOMS at the least, uhh i drink coffee like,, every day, almost- i also drink tea with caffeine in it. umm im too scared to like- ask for meds to help tone down the symptoms,,
and with the depression thing- uhh
**i dont like communicating with most of the people in my house-** and my walks are often drab and boring because i dont have music to listen to on the walk,, plus it's like 96 degrees outside on a daily basis **in florida october** and im not good at self care :sob:
and for the insomnia thing i know my parents wont let me get meds for it because
they just
dont get me meds unless im sick

if your brother has it and you have symptoms? you probably have it. and depression can come with adhd too, so that might be it.
and if you can’t get any meds, try eating foods high in vitamins (fruit maybe) and drink milk often. and for insomnia, it really helps to be warm when you need to sleep- it also helps to have a half glass of water or milk before bed.

my brother PROBABLY has it, so im likely to have it too i guess.
i can try and balance my meals more to have more vitamins and stuff, and 5 days out of 7 i have at lease a glass of milk every day. i always go to bed super hot and sweaty so i end up having to have the blanket half on me when i go to bed, and then i wake up feeling like an icecube
and i almost always have a cup of milk before bed

so is it safe to say that i have like
at least a 50 percent chance of having it?? or is that like
and yeah!! i want a big good fan in my room but i cant get one so im forced to use the ceiling fan in my room which makes a lot of noise,, and it's not a calming noise either, it's all creaky and tap-py and stuff and it makes it hard to sleep, the fans that have that gentle whirring noise are amazing, i love them so much,, and ive always wanted one, the sounds are so calming

it’s probably better odds than that actually!! people with the symptoms usuallly have adhd, and people born female are more likely to have it than most people realize they are (given that girls are often misdiagnosed with simple attention issues rather than the diorder.)
and!! solution for that!! a lot of people with adhd/asd/other neurodivergent disorders wear earplugs, either to bed, or in public places with a lot of noise, or just anywhere they need them. if you could get some of those, it’d probably be better for you!! in fact, im saving to buy some for myself since im sensitive to sound.

ohh, so theyre pretty good odds that i have it?? like what percentage of the likeliness of me having it would you estimate?
and ooh, that sounds like it would help! though the thing is- i can't sleep in total silence either, i need some kind of sound. ambient sound usually helps but i can't very easily get ambient sound to sleep to.. sounds like rainstorms or thunder over soft music calm me down a lot but ever since my mini speaker broke i can't do that anymore, im just thinking if i were to leave a big fan on at night the sound would be super calming for me. i'm really specific and picky about the sounds that i'm willing to sleep to.

I think it would depend on the amount and intensity of the symptoms, but seems like at least a 60-70 percent chance, to me at least.
and not all earplugs block everything! you can always buy ones that just muffle sound. you can also sleep with headphones or earplugs in, and play certain sound through that. i used to sleep with heaphones on, id listen to rain sounds :)

i've been watching the symptoms i experience lately, and some of them are super intense while others not so much. i have a pretty good chunk of the symptoms too. not all of them, but a chunk of them are definitely there. the main things i notice are like, fidgeting, and lately the stims have been going crazy, theres like 7 things that are like 'if i dont do this for some period of time i feel weird' and there were fewer before..
and i used to sleep with earbuds in, for a few months before my mom had to borrow my phone because my dad broke his and she gave him hers. i do have my laptop but my headphone cords arent nearly long enough and i cant relocate my laptop very easily.,.