just a rant nothing much
20.04.2021 14:37
Linkwhy is every one leaving me.... do they hate me? they probably do what am i doing wrong? i don't want to be alone.... all my friends turn their back on me to be popular which all have succeeded why am i still here? what am i doing here? if i'm just going to bother people why am i still here i know they hate me so much sometimes they want to.. kill me.. once i almost died cause of them why am i the target? i get it i'm not like the rest but please just stop... i'm talking to the popular girls at school too... JUST LEAVE ME ALONE
20.04.2021 14:51
Linkmost people are toxic and i don't like it but i can't change it so i gotta deal with it i try to avoid them but i can't "ugly ass *****" "go die in a ditch " they would say, i wouldn't cry and give them satisfaction but all that has been bottling inside me... now i can't sleep as well as i used to... some one help me i need someone who will not turn their back on me someone who actually wants to talk with me one that.... actually understands me.....