Sentient flowers am I right?


08.07.2020 16:25
LinkWoo lemme type stuff bout the plague plz

08.07.2020 16:33
Link“...So, no one has any idea where these strange plants come from, but what we do know is they flourish in all types of environments, they seem almost alive, and their blue violet petals dance with flames, which grow and shrink almost with the plants... mood... if a plant can even have a mood, but we do know that the thorns of this plant carry a deadly toxin, which, is highly contagious and tends to spread easier through younger victims, we have dubbed this disease ‘The BlackThorn Plague’ after the plants black thorns, which, the plant itsself has been named The Blackthorn Rose, very creative of the founders part*soft grumbling* anywho, there’s no known cure for the plague, if there was well. We wouldn’t have the plague around anymore would we? *muffed talking* Geez. I gotta wrap this up, symptoms of the plague include:
Stage one: Lack of energy, loss of appetite, a temperature of at LEAST 110 degrees Fahrenheit,
Stage two: fading of hair color and eye color.
Stage three: loss of the ability to move-

08.07.2020 16:33
Stage four: Death.
Nurse Abigale, signing off. *click*“ -Estilian Logs

14.01.2021 16:51
Link*quietly adds note*
it is entirely possible to SURVIVE this disease, just rather raarree..
and the effects on your eyes/hair will not go away. unless you redye your hair, since it doesn't really effect the roots of your hair.
but your eyes will be duller.
the physical effects you'll have to work to over come.