

26.06.2024 17:35
Linkhow did it take so long for yall to realize im a darkshipper

proshipping is the belief of anti-harassment, as in the belief that people should not be harassed for ships
darkshipping is what most people assume proshipping is; problematic fictional media such as incest, rape, underage, etc
both of these also apply to profiction and darkfiction, which are both simply the term for what was stated before but not limited to shipping and rather just fictional media in general

Drawing that content is basically supporting it. So quit the BS, and either a- delete the posts, or b- stop blatantly lying about this stuff. A lot of people on the platform are really grossed out by your content, because it's disgusting to put a minor in any sort of sexual manner. It doesn't matter if you yourself are a minor, it is still illegal and gross. Go get some help, paraphilia is not okay.