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Ze colonisation by Eric
05.03.2021 11:09
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Ze is a small country in Eartha Jr and basically never touched by outsiders. Until Eric found out about its existence. King Allou (Fretts father) decided to invade and take it over. This led to 10,000 Zeis people being killed. And 60 million enslaved. Only 2 million were allowed to love amongst the Ericas. Ze is still under Erics control today in Eartha Jr. If Eric discovered Zes twin country, Pipi (formerly known as "pp"), Eric would try to take over it and earning the name of "empire". During king allous time on the throne before being killed by his son. The Redlands was feared by the novelty family (the Eric royal family). So parts of Ze was given to lord Quiol the 2nd (before Lord Allakes time), so conflict wouldn't take place. When Frett was king, he didn't see Zeis as people and taken all of their rights and made them slaves for Ericas or sacrifices for the gods. But when Edwardin became king after his fathers death when he was 19 (adult age is 20 in Eric), he abolish all slavery. For it was inhuman/inh
05.03.2021 11:10
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inhymauin*. But still allowed Eric to control Ze. He only gave back the rights of the Zeis people and their freedom. That's all.
05.03.2021 11:25
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In future, frett did realise his actions. And allowed Zeis people to be free if: 1. Abuse If slaves were mistreated, they were allowed to be set freed. 2. Child slavery Children of slaves and citizens are not allowed to be sold into slavery. 3. The bad usage of slaves If the slaves usage are sexual, violent or illegal. Then they are allowed freedom. 4. Murdering slaves for bad reasons Murdering slaves were allowed, only if it is reasonable. If not, you will serve jail time and all slaves would be freed. A lot of Zeis people were set freed due to the new rules so frett did also now know the harsh conditions and limited slavery more. You must have somewhat of a license to be allowed to buy slaves in Eric, also you must be over 25 and prove that you're worthy of buying slaves by taking tests. Slaves are only used for work, not being a punching bag for anger.
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