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Story time
22.01.2020 01:56
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One day around Christmas a couple of years ago, my big brother and I where staying at my oma and opas place for a couple of days. One decided to take my bro and I to the place in Saint Gorges Queensland square called Winter Wonderland. Summer in Australia means the secound you step out of your house, your blasted with heat and slowly die of heat stroke. So anyway, at said Winter Wonderland there was many different things to do, like fake snowball fights, bobsleding and a ice skating rink. Oma decided that since my bro and I have more than half dutch, surely we could skate. She chucked us onto the uceadter putting our skates on and immediately pulled out her phone to take pictures of her two little skating pros.
22.01.2020 02:04
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I was in front of my bro, took three little steps forwards, and promptly face planted onto the ground. My brother, being the wonderful brother he is, laughed his head off before falling onto his butt. A guy who was experienced in helping tiny children not die on the ice told us to waddle like penguins if we can't skate or just hang onto the wall. I did both but the problem was that tons of teenage girls and thier besties where all leaning against the wall and chatting to people outside the rink. Me using none of my brain cells started dragging my self along the wall and when I got to said teenage girls, I simply tried scootching around them. Sometimes they would be nice and help me by guiding me to the wall and moving out of the way, but alot just glared at me and started talking about how kids shouldn't be on the ice. Little did they know I could hear tgem and was cursing at them under my breath in dutch. What my oma failed to tell us was that this session wasn't a hour long session like the rest, oh no no.
22.01.2020 02:12
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This session was for TWO hours. After about thirty minutes of my life wasted by trying to drag myself along, i parked my butt in a corner near where the fake snowball fight where. There was this girl who for some reason thought I was her friend who was doing the ice skating threw a snowvall at the back if my head and started laughing. I turned around, glared at her and promptly face her the one finger salute. I used the small bits of ice on the ground to make my own snowball and hurled it at her. It landed right in the middle of her face. Hell yeah. I turned around again and noticed that due to the great Australian heat, the ice was melting quickly. Then suddenly, I was in the middle of the rink, being towed along by some teenager guy towards this big group of other teenager guys. I tried to waddle away before realizing that I'm stuck here in the middle, unable to get back to the beloved wall. Some other kid around my age took pity on me and asked if I'd like to go to the wall. I quickly said yes and was
22.01.2020 02:25
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Whisked away to safety. After that, the session was over and my brother and I practicality ran off the rink. After that, I couldn't sit down or move my body without wincing at all the fricking bruises I got from falling down into the ice for hours. The lesson if the day was: Dont assume kids who have never seen real snow or ever skated in thier life can suddenly activate thier dutch genes and become pros in a matter of secounds. At least oma treated us to some goid stroopwafels afterwards
23.01.2020 09:41
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yes the stroopwaffels
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