Dreams can be like.. Hell...
Night Meme {Collab}
Happy (late) Birthday, Mads
klee wants to play a lil game
spicy meatball but its hacked
Butch Vs Buttercup
June 21st.
21.06.2020 22:23
LinkStatus - Active
'Success. I'm not dead and I'm not under someone's control at least...
I've managed to gain the trust of some A-bots, though I should have though of the fact that the bots don't have bodies, lots of them are looking at me with their massive stink eyes. I've actually been given an 'access code' from one of them, this is making my job much easier than planned! Perhaps they were planning on upgrading to bodies, and if so then I need whoever reads this to warn Angrykid that they're getting stronger.
Last thing before I'm 'called in for an interview' (which is already making me wanna run and start a new life in Colorado), but I have a feeling we know something about the big bad robot man already, like we knew them before... Maybe Putin came for our cocks?
This head is making me ramble holy fuc-'
End Communication.
21.06.2020 22:23
21.06.2020 22:25
LinkThis is the bop I used to think of an idea for the anim: