New species- (OPEN)
05.01.2021 15:47
05.01.2021 15:53
LinkOk so-
Daggerclaws are most known for their sharp claws- Like I said, they can be any animal, any element, and any color. They are (Not) Endangered and live everywhere around the world. BUT, the ones with colorful scales/fur (Ultra rare and Legendary) Are hard to find and lucky to find. They are NOT kept as pets, and can be dangerous if threatened-
Common: 1-2 fur/scale colors, one element, and any animal
Uncommon: 1-3 fur/scale colors, 1-2 elements and any animal
Rare: 1-4 scale/fur colors, 1-3 elements and any animal
Ultra rare: 1-5 fur/scale colors, 1-3 elements and any animal
Legendary: 1-7 fur/scale colors and 1-5 elements and any animal-
They all have long claws and teeth- (Some have poison in their claws or teeth)
Just ask me to make one lol
Only my friends and BFFยดs can get Ultra Rare or Legendary animals lol
05.01.2021 15:53
Link-Do not comment on my chain-
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