@Ferrets custom!
14.06.2020 22:36
LinkYour customs are so unique and I'm honored to own some.
14.06.2020 22:37
LinkNfjfnvjd ty!
14.06.2020 22:38
LinkDo you mind if i attempt to sketch our capycorns together? Did you get the fluff boi?
14.06.2020 22:39
LinkYeah!! Got him if I made her the custom
14.06.2020 22:47
LinkI got the first one lol
Woah! This is something new!I love the gecko with the little trees on the back! The colors are very nice aswell and I like how you draw geckos! I wonder how it'll look in ferrets style :0?
Hmm, I don’t wanna just say to look at references, but they are good! Before I made this, I searched up geckos and sketched out a few poses before drawing this. Also, don’t be afraid to try something new! If you wanna achieve good anatomy try drawing different animals everyday! I am gonna do this month where every day I draw a different animal