24.10.2017 00:11
Linkoops forgot to add title, anyways the title is : AYA
24.10.2017 00:22
Linkme, my mother, and sister visited japan to meet my grandparents. i was so
exited because i have never seen them before. my mother said my grandpa
named me Aya, it mean't colour. we were walking to my grandparents house.
there were so many children laughing and playing. But in canada us children
are not aloud to run around and climb houses. my little sister Hanako, was
screaming because she was tired of walking. my mom had to carry her,
to be honest, she is pretty heavy, even though she looks so small and thin.
24.10.2017 00:27
Linkwe turned and walked to a big old house with cherry blossom trees everywhere
around us, my mother said,"lets go we're here!" i was so nervous! My mom set
Hanako down and pulled a key from under a mat. she unlocked the door and
inside it was big and beautiful!
24.10.2017 00:29
Linkthen an old man and woman walked out from a big room. They said in
japanese,"ah Hanako, Aya!"
24.10.2017 01:01
Linktbc(to be continued)