

18.12.2018 05:13
Linkyou ok?... (well obviously you're not but like, what's wrong?)

18.12.2018 05:15
Linki dont like myself.... for many reasons....
i probaly made my great grandma want to die.....
my art is bad
im fat, ugly
everything is wrong with me
im usless... worthless...
sorry i wasted your time

18.12.2018 05:19
Link1) You are amazing at art, and I don't think someone like you could make someone want to die. You're so nice!! and your art is amazing!!
2) you didn't waste my time

your arts really good trust me like look at mine XD i dont know you personally, but im sure even if you are fat, even if you are ugly (witch i doubt you are like look up fattest lady ever and then compare) but even if you are we still all love you :) and your not a serial killer, your not crazy, your body functions right, you have a wonderful personality, and only a bit of baggage not everything is wrong with you and your not worthless because worthless is someone whos no one witch is no one so everyone worth something :) and i have a brother who bites and punches and scratches me, he yells and fights, and is a mess but i love him anyway :) your grandma im SURE loved you
im sorry im not comforting, but i give facts. and those, my dear, are the facts (extra thing to mention i dont have experience with that, but i do have a similarish thing i have adhd and that makes my emotions and how im viewed... lets just say, weird. i was lucky enough not to get depression from the disorders, but on a scale of 1 to ten

(part 2)
if the normal is 3, the adhd normals 7, then im a 20 so every one im my school thinks im insane even when im on my medication though that dose bring me down a bit i have only a few friends (they are awsome btw) some of witch also have disorders similar or same to mine (sorry i get of topic easly im prob gonna tell you my life story at this point its like 1:20 am help) i also get bullyed a lot though ive learned how to deal with them, i used to cry for hours like you could take all of the tears and fill a milk jug to the top and even with the teachers, my adhd makes it so i cant focus on hearing so the teaches alwase tell me PAY ATTENTION! PAY ATTENTION! but i cant and on top of that i have post nasil drip and guess what that means? coughing. up. snot. witch leads to more angry teachers, more bullys, and more weirded out students not to mention im also pretty creppy as i do a lot of handling wepons and my house is littered with them to quickly go over them, i own (mostly my dads but he lets me use

them (with him watching) and calls them ours so ynow :L) (btw we have permits this is all legal) nun chucks, blades (katakana, swords, daggers, you name it), guns (of all kinds), a battle axe (its so flipping cool to look at), bows (all kinds i do archery), ect. im also fairly big so you can see why people are scared as well and i could go on and on forrever telling you all about my life, but this is where im going the end) wow that was long and took 1 hour to write. i really need to vent help me :,)