Just Wondering


05.05.2018 00:26
LinkI’m pretty sure that I’ve asked this question before but whatever
I’m especially wondering for people with weird usernames like deathjawbone or Thepapersandwich or TheHxHTr4sh
For JuniperLeaf, my first (and dead) account, it was my warrior cat name. My friend helped me think of it in 5th grade
For Pumkin, well,
So my sister’s Animal Jam username is turkey75 (eyyy send her a buddy request she ditched that game a long time ago)
So I thought:
Turkey= thanksgiving
Thanksgiving= autumn
Autumn= pumpkins
Pumpkin= not a great username tbh but I’m all out of ideas so what about dropping that extra P and making it Pumkin?
Or something like that

05.05.2018 00:27
LinkFor BadThingsCouldHappen, I thought of the concept of BTCH (including the title) over the summer when I was bored in summer school (i went to summer school so I could skip a level in math, NOT cuz my grades sucked)
It was originally gonna be called ItCouldHaveBeenWorse, but it sounded too much like the comic For Better or For Worse
Then, I saw this video titled Bad Things That Could Happen (It’s great, watch it here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5hIKKYv_3Ic&scrlybrkr=c4731768)
And for some reason, I thought that ItCouldHaveBeenWorse was too similar to For Better or For Worse, but BadThingsCouldHappen didn’t sound too similar to Bad Things That Could Happen?
Idk anymore algebra ruined my brain that summer

I had two accounts
And I was originally going to name this one Moon Paws, which is another name for my main oc on a game, but I wanted something different
I had a very old oc named Winterou, but I didn't really like it
I believe I was eating my favorite ice cream, Mint Chocolate Chip, and I was like "hmmm.. Mint.. Minterou.. SCORE"
Plus, my main oc's names throughout the years usually started with an M, since my real name starts with an M too. ;v;
But yeah
It was cool ^^

I was bored one day so I was coming up with nicknames for myself and my main nickname was Em. So I made my username for some games EmmyGrace. I found out people assumed my name was Emma and started to call me that, I was like “Perfect, now I don’t need to worry about my name being guessed as a bunch of random crap!” And stuck with that for a while on here. Then I forgot the password to log on to my FlipAnim account so I made a new one. EmmyDraws.

Eh, I honestly don't remember, it was so long ago XD
For my first account, Bruhthatlikespokemon, I was going through a massive pokemon phase, so that's probably where that came from. Not sure for ColourfulCrystal7 though...

No one knows me whatsoever, but I'm bored so I decided to participate XD
After an assignment at school on the computers, me and my friends decided to play an online game called Agar.io, And one of my other friends (not into video games) called me a dork for playing it, so I named myself Dorkus in-game, and it just kinda stuck

I came up with this username in 2012 when a game about birds killing pigs was still relevant. I still use it today because I'm too lazy to make a new one.

Lol theHTXHtrash is cuz at the time she was watching hunter x hunter (an anime) and she was really interested in so she was gonna make her name the hunterxhunter_trash but I think it was already taken or something so she had to put all the numbers and make it whacky

And for me, I was just kinda drowsy and a little loopy since I woke up so I just sorta wanted to write a really lazy but clever? username?¿ I was gonna go with a more expressive one like melthekid or something but I was like too insecure to do that so I just put randomperson to remain kind of anyomynous and under the radar but at the same time kinda funny I guess?

i was obsessed with BTS and inspired my username off of one of their members: jeon jungkook
i'm not rly into kpop anymore but eh