Human me(new version)


18.12.2020 08:38
Linkspent so much time on this-

I see that your art style is a little everywhere atm
I see some of this art right here and noticed the thick lines and overall Chiba artsyle- so maybe if you’re gonna do chi I but add some anime-esk like things in there
Don’t do hair or hands
Try something simple like the legs or torso
Because the hands and hair will stick out the most :)

Bhbhbhbbhbgvbbhb A h e m . . .
These two
Creatures- have different hands
Both I think would be good with ur art :D you should try one of these hands the next time to go simplistic like the rest of ur style
Because ur art is amazing
And practice certainly makes perfect
But the hair the nose and the hands definitely stick out