>Gift for Landon<3<


Void Arena

Shape of you (Anim Meme)


Stickman Fighting


31.08.2020 01:26

31.08.2020 01:27
LinkGather around criss cross applejuice, children. Also, thanks @Ostrich-- for the burger :D

31.08.2020 01:31
LinkOki so this'll be a fun storytime.
So this story starts with me in the backyard with my sister eating an ice cream sandwich. I'm just eating in the backyard while chatting with my sister and I start talking about how satisfying it is to take a bite of an ice cream sandwich. My sister agrees and then I said I could make an unsatisfying bite. She said okay and I did it. I took a bite the other way, so I'm sinking my teeth into the ice cream part first. Haha so funny, right? Then we start talking about cringy things and I say, "When you lean over the side of the sink and water gets on your shirt." We both laugh and list even more cringy things. Then, all of a sudden, I feel something happen in my mouth while I'm eating my ice cream.
Not done copy and pasting ;D

31.08.2020 01:35
LinkI continue to laugh like nothing happened and then I say, "When you lose your tooth while eating ice cream." My sister pauses and stares at me and questions me, "Haha what?" So, this morning my tooth was just a bit loose, but a pretzel I ate hit it so it was half wiggly. I guess a melty soft ice cream sandwich was the one thing that knocked it out. I pulled my tooth out and showed my sister. I started laughing and she was like, "Oh wha-"
Then I threw my tooth into the backyard turf and it's still there after I washed out my mouth :D

uhhhh you might wanna get that tooth bro. the fairy is gonna steal one of your other bones to make up for the lost one she doesnt get

....huh. I lost a tooth while singing "the start of something new" from "high school musical".....IN MUSIC CLASS THEY FORCED THE CLASS TO OR WE GET LOWER GRADES ON PARTICIPATION....i'm sorry but i kinda wanna brag a bit, i learned all the words to my part, learned the tune AND the harmonies(yes boi and gurl, caue i can make this odd boi voice while singing)while everybody was off timing and tune.