malestripper tryna b a lawer.


09.06.2023 00:56
Linkths us roniesfault everyone boo ronniefor being gay

09.06.2023 00:58
Linkhe used to be a respetable man whowent to college, got stright a's, perfect student... had everything lin up to be a bussnessman

09.06.2023 01:02
Linkbut i needed help w olor ideas nd THEY COLORED THM LIKA TWINK
and started changing him WHOLE PERSONALITY... everytime i told thm he was goign to be a lawer. theyd go "hes a malestripper"
"what do you think hed look good in?"
"NOTHING""while he was like recoloring his hai i was like, we might aswell change th whole color scheme.. so i was like "yeah might as well make him-" "A MALESTRIPPER" so guess what.... now hes a malestripper
ronnie wouldnt help me w clothes bch wants him to be naked </3

09.06.2023 03:46
Linkthere are 10faggots on ths site who supportmale strippers. no ones safe.