17.12.2020 12:27
17.12.2020 12:29
Link Long story short, your OC got captured by magic hunter people. Under which circumstances, it was unclear.
When taken to a cell in an underground hideout and locked in, however, you saw two yellow eyes staring back at you, vaguely illuminating the form of a four foot tall jaguar.
That’s all I’m giving you I’m not creative today-
( eZ GeT oVER hERE-(
It seemed to be chained to the ground, leaning towards Fell with a savage look in its eyes. There was only a small corner it couldn’t reach.
However, before swiping at him with claws the size of knives, it hesitated. It seemed to think better of the decision. Then it attempted to claw its own face. Not being able to reach that far due to the chains, it began to violently shake it’s head, snarling at nothing.
(“I TolD yoU tO bE cAreFuL yOu iDioT-“
“I’m sorry Ezra-“
“Mmmrg it’s fine now come on I bought those fluffy blankets you like-“)
Eyes widened; what was wrong with this creature? He wanted to help it but also didn’t want to die. And so he stayed where he was and just hoped that nothing bad would occur.