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New Species: Mirthisk | OTA!!
12.09.2023 18:46
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The Mirthisk is a predatory species resembling a sheep with large horns and a long tail. Although considerably docile when full, they turn into fierce, persistent hunters. They will target a singular prey until they get their meal. Even if another predatory species catches their prey, they will steal it back. Male Mirthisk are very territorial, oftentimes butting horns with fellow males in order to win more territory or chase them off. They are very intelligent, but often prefer to solve problems with brute force. Female Mirthisk are more docile compared to their male counterparts, and can be often found in large herds almost entirely composed of females. However, if their young or their mate is harmed, they will hunt down who hurt their loved one and not stop until the offender is dead. Males and females often mate with other species, specifically predatory ones, to produce stronger offspring. However, they usually prefer to stick with their own species to avoid interspecies tension.
12.09.2023 18:50
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Additionally, Mirthisk don't mind mixing with creatures of the same gender. Oftentimes, they prefer this, because raising Mirthisk cubs is a pain. On that topic, Mirthisk cubs start teething at 3 weeks old. They chew on everything they can get their teeth on, but since their teeth are sharp, it's best to avoid letting them chew on you. They also only really eat soft meat. When Merthisk cubs are cranky, instead of crying, they begin loudly 'barking' which are actually just short, rough chirps.
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