voice reveal
01.05.2020 01:19
Linkugh no probably will delete later so uh yeah
also if you want tell me something to say and i'll say it ig
01.05.2020 01:19
08.05.2020 03:31
Linkstop talking.. just..just stop
08.05.2020 04:16
Linki did >:(
:o qt
you sound so pure
and anxious and very self-conscious...
but that's okay, you're still such a bean ^^
sorry for the late reply-
i initially learned about handwriting analysis from my dad, but i later did more research on my own. i'm not a pro or anything, it was just a hobby i picked up (just like how i picked up and discarded microbiology, crocheting, painting, knitting, psychology (i actually started taking college classes for psychology even though i'm only 13 but... whatever lmao), etc.) it's very fascinating, and my interest in it stemmed from forensics and how graphology could help find serial killers (who left ransom notes, etc.). it seemed fun, idk.