
20 Art style Challenge

dancer leap (better)

I made something interesting

Sir Percival

Chapter 1 page 6
Let me type


14.04.2020 01:41

14.04.2020 01:43
LinkCovid-9 fact-Covid-9/Caronavirus, started from somebody giving the Gene's of an bat and giving it too an mad scientist, then that scientist made the Gene's stronger, and sombody ate it, and that man shortly died a day later and spread it,that scientist is now in jail for the rest of his existence,-

14.04.2020 01:43
LinkSnake facts-An snake has ears. They are not visible, they are hid under the scales on there head,-

14.04.2020 01:45
LinkIguana fact,-A theory of how iguanas sence what time of year it is for fact. Breeding,there is a dot on there head, we beleive that it takes heat from the open air too tell the time of year.

14.04.2020 01:47
LinkDinosaurs fact-Many people have theories of how they died, like a giant ball falling from the sky burning them, and then the theory of volcanos,and then the theory of the world crushing in half and they fall too there doom,but I beleive that the rock fell from the sky on fire falling and starting fires and erupting volcanoe and the world split too pieces, and that's how water was created.