kitty kat
06.02.2024 18:25
Linkkiyty cet
Blushing furiously, my ears flatten against my head, resembling two fluffy marshmallows. With a shy paw, I brush aside my pastel-colored bangs, revealing eyes that sparkle like dewdrops on a fresh spring morning. "H-Hewwo there," I mew timidly, my voice as soft as the gentle purring of a kitten. Wrapping my tail around my paws, I wiggle nervously, feeling as awkward as a kitten learning to walk. "S-Sowwy if I'm a wittle bit clumsy," I whisper, my whiskers twitching with uncertainty. But then, summoning my inner kawaii spirit, I muster a brave smile, as bright as a field of cherry blossoms in full bloom.
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