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talk with respect here please
12.06.2022 11:37
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I live in a coutry where I just don't feel like i could be my self with the people. because they are so diferent of me, I have a few good friends, but the rest, look at me like a freak. I think that im pretty normal, well I would say that if I was 18 or 20 but im not. one thing that makes me diferent of the rest is that I don't judge anything, we all make mistakes, but the kids on my school are kind of rood with me just because the fact that I draw dragons. well first, I think they are jealous and second they don't know how to respect another fact that makes mediferent is that Im religious and they are not. I wuld like that they could respect that I belive in god. besides, It is a good guide for you and if you think that this ir stupid ,It is not what about you?
12.06.2022 13:15
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All of that just sounds a bit harsh from others. We are all different in our own way, so the least we can do to each other I'd give and show respect. You are just being you, nothing wrong with that. And I agree, that those people or girls are just jealous and maybe just disrespectful. And yes, we all do make mistakes. I say it's a good thing you aren't do judgemental. Hey, I'm religious too, idk if it's the same religion as you but I do believe in god as well. It is indeed a good guide, but of course there are people who think it's not real or us stupid, but if you offer it and they still refuse, just leave them instead push it. I've never really come across people who think it's stupid, but just don't believe in it. I say you should at least give them respect, or kindness, because everyone deserves kindness. Golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. Go ahead and be yourself, don't let others bring you down, and use the golden rule. All I have to say now
12.06.2022 13:16
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I hope some of this helps if you need any advice But ye, I'm pretty sure kids at my school think I'm weird. But I don't care, it's just me.
12.06.2022 16:55
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I am really glad for you! It's hard to find someone like this. the truth is that when I was a kiddo ,I wasn't focusing in the love, i focused on my hate to the others, now, I'm believer of God ,and the the ten rules that he once wrote in this world are my guide. I learned how to not hate, but to love, not to harm ,but to heal. I do give respect to every one who comes across my path, no matter if they are good or bad, thanks for your opinion tho!
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