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Love story time
20.10.2021 19:26
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Hey everyone! my name is Alex, and I’m 16, and I’m in high school. Right now I’m on the bus going to school. And uh we just arrived, my friend kris always greets me, speaking of which where is he? “KRIS!? WHERE YOU AT BUD?” Then I saw kris come out of hiding then he said “sorry man, I was hiding something.” “What?” I responded, he replied with “someone’s homework” “again? Really? This is the fifth time this week kris” “I know I know” he said. I sighed, “well cya second period kris” I said while going into my classroom. “Cya” he called back. I sat at the corner of the room opening my chrome book and started playing games. The quite kid next to me who was short surprisingly, turned to me and asked “how you get to the games I thought school blocked the games?” I replied with “simple, I found a new site” “can you get me to the site?” He asked, I said yes, of course. And I helped him get to the site, the whole period we chatted and became friends, he seemed really cool, even tho the whole class thought he was -
20.10.2021 19:32
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-weird. We went to second period and then third and forth, once it was fifth the last class and the only other class I had with the kid and kris, I sat next to both of them putting my backpack down and unpacking, “hey Alex can you help me out with math, I kinda need help” the quite kid asked, I was a little shocked, I hadn’t told the kid my name, but then again I was fairly popular so that might be how he knows, anyways I told him sure, and I helped him understand it, then kris said “does Alex got a new friend now? HEY EVERYONE, ALEX IS DATING THE QUITE KID” everyone stared, I was shocked, kris new how I was sensitive about that, I replied with “no we’re not! We’re just friends” then kris said “mhmmmm” the other kids started saying stuff about us dating and I was getting really annoyed then the quite kid got up and yelled at everyone to shut up and said that were just friends and everyone stoped out of shock of how he just spoke for the first time and not only that he yelled at the whole class, the class -
20.10.2021 19:35
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-bully stood up and started at him and spoke saying “what’d ya say small boy?” The kid replied with “are you deaf or something? I said shut up, we ain’t dating” the bully walked over to the kid put then all of a sudden he stopped in his tracks and fell dead to the ground, everyone but me was focusing on the bully, while I turned and saw the kid slip a pistol away…. I didn’t mention anything and thought “perhaps he thought he was gonna end up in the hospital and so he shot him in the head.”
20.10.2021 19:39
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School ended early because of that and instead of going home I went with the kid to help him out as he had requested that I come with him to his house and out of fear and wanting to help I agreed and went with him to his house, I helped him and then went home. It’s been a month by now but nothing much has changed but I found out that the kids name is Henry, no more deaths have happened, but everyday after school I would go to his house to help him or just hang out, oh and kris isn’t my friend anymore, he was only using me but oh well that happens sometimes I guess. (Gonna continue later
20.10.2021 19:49
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The quite kid had told me he didn’t want attention from everyone so I hadn’t tried to make him popular one day we sat up on the roof and for some reason I just wanted to be with him all the time… and I realized I was staring and looked down the building, Henry said “ya know-“ he was cut off because a girl came up and hugged me saying “Alex baby!” I had no idea who she was so I stood up and asked “who are you?” The girl responded saying “I’m you future~“ for some reason my first response before I could stop myself was “I’m sorry but I’m gay for a guy right now..” she replied with “are you dating him?” She had a sassy tone but said “no it’s just a crush” I think I saw a hint of relief from Henry but whatever. The girl left angry but whatever, then Henry asked “who is you’re crush?” I paused… what should I say?
20.10.2021 20:04
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Then Henry said “it’s fine if you don’t want to tell me” the next day the girl was reported dead, I was shocked but a little glad, at least she couldn’t spread rumors about me, after about 3 months later me and Henry have gotten a much better friend ship and hung out every day, when we were at his house he grabbed my face and went in for a kiss, I was glad, I’d always have had a crush on him and went to kiss him to, after that he said “s-sorry” I replied with “no it’s fine” after that we started dating. And when school found out… it got so much worse, everyone made fun of use and the only thing we were popular for was being a loser, I guess they didn’t want me dating the weird kid, one day I was getting punched a lot Henry came and shot them dead and it caused a panic. “H-Henry?” I was shocked to see him do that, I know I saw him do it before but I thought I was just seeing things, continued killing and shooting the kids that made fun of us while smiling an evil smile. I was so shocked I didn’t moved but
20.10.2021 20:09
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I was able to say “h-Henry w-what are you doing?!” He turned to me and said, punishing the ones who deserve it” then he walked to me and said “don’t you want to be free from them?” I didn’t know what to say, was there a right or wrong answer? An answer that get me killed? Then he said “it’s fine if you can’t think, but, *he grabbed my face * I don’t want people to hurt you” I was scared out of my mind, I mean he was a yandare, and he was the reason of the deaths at my school… Then he gave me the choice by saying “do you choose to stay with me or to leave?” I instantly replied with “I want to stay with you!” Then we fled the country and that’s the end of my story I guess I was able to help him on the killing part after… welll bye (sorry if the story is bad, this is my first story online to the public)
20.10.2021 20:24
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5/5 🌟 Also the story isn't bad I thought it was better then that comic I just read a couple days ago lol
20.10.2021 20:40
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Thank chu
20.10.2021 20:24
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Will there be a part 2? HMMMMMMM?
20.10.2021 20:39
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Yes vv
20.10.2021 20:40
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And part 2 will have some real art lol
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