03.06.2021 00:15
LinkThis may not get a lot of attention. But if you’re reading this, don’t come for me. Just hear me out. If I say something you don’t agree with, just… move on with your day, it isn’t worth starting an argument about. A good Christian friend of mine here on Flipanim recently posted something on these rants that he wanted to talk about. He stated his opinion on a few things and people here called him a bunch of names, spammed, and “educated” him on the topics. And it may be to your surprise that it is not, in fact, Mr. Hobbs. This friend of mine was merely stating his opinion on these subjects. But most of you are so quick to be defensive because you may feel rejected by humanity and feel the need to start making the lives of people who don’t agree with you a living hell. I, myself, am a Christian, I just want to point that out. Now before you start commenting things about that, I just want to say something.

03.06.2021 00:16
Link One of the things that people seem to have a lot of division about is the whole homosexuality and trans and pan and LGBT+ in general. Look. If somebody doesn’t like that you are part of that community, don’t be mean to them. It’s their opinion. But if you’re mean to a Christian for being Christian, that doesn’t make you any better. When Christians talk about the LGBT+ and why they don’t like it, we are not being mean, but saying how we see things from our perspective. The last thing we want is for chaos to break out because we commented on the topic. So if you’ve read this far, I’m proud of you. I really don’t want to start any trouble. If you take anything from this at all, this is what I’m asking. Don’t start fights with people anywhere, whether they’re online or in person. There are always going to be people that do not agree with you and that can’t be changed. Fighting won’t solve the problem and neither will this long comment of mine. But I feel like this had to be said.

03.06.2021 00:16
LinkIf somebody doesn’t agree with the LGBT+ community that does not mean they are homophobic, transphobic, whatever the hell phobic. If it were one of those people they wouldn’t even want to talk to you or make peace with you, but trash the community and that’s not what me or anyone I know is doing. Thank you for your time, I hope you have a pleasant day.

I'm glad you said this... I'm in a tough situation with this myself, with my friend's parents being heavily homophobic and all, kind of risking our friendship and our day-to-day life and conversations with each other. I get that it's their opinion, and someday I'll have to make peace with that, but it infuriates me to the end of the earth how heavily they trash the community (I haven't heard it myself, but from what my friend says it's pretty bad)
I personally believe it's okay to think and believe what you want, but to go out of your way to talk bad about it to someone who thinks the opposite of you, will always cause some kind of trouble, whether the other means any harm or not. I will always, always, ALWAYS defend this community, so if somebody ever talks trash about it or the people in it, I'll either ignore it or go at it.