Меня одолевают м
05.09.2024 03:55
LinkМеня одолевают мысли о самоубийстве
05.09.2024 04:13
LinkI hate being autistic i get called retarded on a daily dont people know that retard is a slur? dont people know faggot is a slur? they always use it. how would you feel if i just went up to a black person and called them the n word? not good because i just called them a slur, right? then treat me the same way. If i explain to you i have autism to explain my behaviour, dont just called me retarded. Im a person too. i might act a bit strange or like weird things, i might rarely like getting touched or not understand social norms, but im still a person so treat me like one god damn it. and why does everyone have to act like saying faggot and retard is okay?? no one even gives a **** if i get called it yet when a black person gets called the n word the other guy gets cursed out and even beaten up, so why not hold the same standard for me? its not ****ing fair. this is bullshit. all of it is bullshit! i ****ing hate this world the best thing to ever happen to it would be humans going exctinct i want to kill myself
05.09.2024 04:15
Linkwhy do i have to be autistic why do i have to be gay why cant i just be ****iung noprmal i hate my life i hate my family i hate everything god ****ing damn it someone kill me please ill do anything please just put an end to my suffering i want to go to sleep and never wake up just please i need everything to stop forever all this pain is making start to crack and hurt the ones im trying not to