On Hallow's Eve- part 8

We pull up

It's my birthday!! :D

cat cult

Kenma o(╥﹏╥)o

No idea what Im doing

Yeah double wwyd timee


17.01.2021 17:58
LinkKk! So here we go,,plz use an oc or more than one if you’d like
A) so pretty much your oc is out late one night just trying to walk home or whatever you’d like, up in the distance your oc heard a girl scream, your oc looked around until they could see it was a female who seemed to be pushed from the top of a roof, she fell for a few minutes until there was a green flash in the sky, after a few moments a tall blonde man could be seen, he had the girl in his arms as he landed back on the ground, setting her down, the girl was shaken up but she thanked him, the man just seemed to nod, mumbling “get a better boyfriend lady” as he started off, headed the direction your oc was
B) uh so your oc is also just trying to walk somewhere, it he sun is just setting but down the street a woman in a brown fur coat could be seen, she seemed to be chatting to a man outside of a club, your oc nears closer, it seen that the man handed her something in an envelope,,, from here your oc is free to investigate or not, so yah,

17.01.2021 17:59
Linkalso a gun could be seen on the woman’s belt,, forgot that part
A is Daniel Gomez,, uhhhh 24 yrs old and bi
B is Corey Accardo, 23 and also bi lmao
I’ll grab refs

17.01.2021 18:00

17.01.2021 18:00
LinkAnd Corey
Also I might not rp with some ppl depends on content and if you make me uncomfy

Victor let out deep huff as HR walked along the sidewalk, after a boring day at work with no fun whatsoever. His eyes scanned the area in hopes for something interesting to do, or someone to bother, the woman quickly caught his eye and he arched a brow, watching the two. The man wore his dark blue police uniform with knee high, black boots. He is watched the two for q moment longer before he slowly started walking over, his hand rested on his belt near his own gun, after noticing the woman's.

He cleared his throat and shook his head, peering at the two as he scanned them carefully, he couldn't exactly remember from where, but the woman looked rather familiar. He gave them a small smile, as he hid his suspicions. "Ah, no, just curious to what you two were trading." He huffed gently. "as well as why you have a gun on you."

-she turned to him, she seemed amused now, ****ing with cops was one of her specialties- permit to carry a concealed weapon officer, ever heard of those? Or would you like to see my papers -she grinned- oh and for what we were trading, if this is some drug sting I would have been in cuffs by now so, that’s not really your business now is it
-the man blinked, a little nervous now, at least one of them knew what she was going on about because god knew he didn’t-

(His man boobs 😭😭😭
-she grinned at him, her tail swayed with amusement, she waved her hand telling the guy to go, once that happened she purred- like I said, you have no proof of anything criminal being in there so I’m afraid this is just a few ticks away from harassment officer -she smiled at him- andddd as for those papers they are in my house, which! You’d need a warrant for, so you can take me in if you’d like but i garentee I’d be out by tonight and all your little cop buddies would be laughing at you, it’s really is best to mind your business
Comment removed

His expression dropped and seemed to faulter a bit. He hesitated before he shook his head with a light sneer, as he was still trying his best to keep up the tough act. "At least give me a name, ma'am." He averted his eyes, unable to meet her gaze. He found it a bit shocking that he would get spoken to like that, as most people would be more shaky and nervous around an officer like himself.

-she grinned, sensing his slight loss in confidence, she took the moment to be glad she watched all of those silly cop shows when they came on, but she’s had experience with bad cops before, so this was fun to her- a name? And what for? Have I committed a crime that you can prove? Why are you even bothering me officer I’ve done nothing -her arms stayed folded over her chest, she had a smug expression on her face-

He rolled his eyes and glanced off with an irritated huff. "Well- no but- you just look firmiliar is all, I need to make sure you Arnt any criminal figure." He looked back at her with his hazel colored eyes(cause the purple was ugly asf) and set a hand on his hip, the other lazily fell to his side. He grumbled gently and added, "And besides, who are you to question someone of my authority?"

He furrowed his brows a bit and shook his head. "You're- " he hesitated, panicking quite a bit as he did his best to think of some random ass charge against her so he wouldn't look insane. "Ypure under arrest for drug trafficking-!" He lip quivered, as he guessed he would probably get in trouble in the future for saying that. He tugged her closer as he tried to click on the cuffs around one of her wrists.

-she cried out once again, a few civilians were calling out to them, yelling some not so nice words- I’ve got no drugs anywhere on me or in my establishments! This is horrible!
-as she said this a black car started speeding down the road, a few men in black suits hopped out, all of them we’re starting over to victor-

He moved a bite as he eyes flickered over to the men nervously. He knit his brows as some of the blood from her slash dripped down onto his hands. He sneered down at her as he cuffed her. He whisper-screamed into her ear. "Shut up you're gonna ruin my reputation dumbass cat-!" He gave her leg a rough kick in an attempt to silence her.

-she actually cried out this time, since that one actually hurt, this seemed to enrage her, her eyes flashing white as she turned to him and punched him, it felt as though she shocked him when she did this, she growled and a couple small bolts shot around the cuffs until they fell to the ground, her hand reached down for her gun as she sneered- oh youve messed up now pig, now it ain’t for show- you’re dead meat now-

-she growled, the men in suits starting up behind her, she held the gun up, aimed at his head with a sneer- goodbye officer- it’s been nice kno- -she was cut off as one of her men grabbed her by the arm, the other grabbing her other arm as they started dragging her back to the car, she kicked around and hissed, one of the men frowned- l-listen boss- shooting a cop is bad- l-let’s just go home-

-the mans brows raised, he nodded at one of coreys men who started calling someone, presumably backup, he sighed and rubbed his forehead- if that’s what you’d like officer -he blinked at him with icy blue eyes- then I suppose I can’t deny you -he looked over at corey- what do you wanna do?
-she growled- speed! Get outta here! -as she said that the car started up, speeding down the road, she grinned as she gripped onto victors uniform, pulling him only halfway inside the car and letting the rest dangle as they started speeding-

-she yelled- you got it!? And if you lie oh there will be hell to pay, I’ll do yiu worse then some road burn- -she looked like she meant it too, as she said that she yanked him in the car-
-Lucy huffed- there’s no way we’re getting out of this one corey, we’re definitely getting arrested if this car stops

-Lucy sighed a bit and rubbed his cheek as if they were some small inconvenience to him- look I arrived to see your officer assaulting my boss, talking about her messing up his reputation and kicking her -he folded his arms over his chest-
-corey nodded and huffed- so I hit him in self defense! And then the guns came out