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dream smp theory IMPORTANT
01.03.2021 22:34
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I just watched Tommy die and canonical or not (I think it is) this is actually a good twist. I could write about that but something else came to me in the middle of it. How Dream will kill himself: So Dream has finally killed off Tommy, but he still is in prison. We know that Technoblade owes him a favor and Dream also has a revival book. If the revival book is in Dream's enderchest then somehow Techno will have to come to the prison and somehow sneak one in so Dream can give the book to him. Then Techno is let out and the plan continues. If the revival book is not in his enderchest then Dream will tell Techno where it is (if that were the case it probably has a lot of perilous traps and stuff but because it's Techno and Technoblade never dies, he will be able to access it). Then Dream will simply kill himself in the lava or annoy Sam to the point that he kills him or something and takes his final life. Well the favor Dream asks is for Techno to revive him no matter what and because he is (Continued lol)
01.03.2021 22:40
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-and because he is being brought back to life he will probably come back at the spawn and therefore is out of prison. Now this theory is actually not as simple as that because of these loopholes. Techno now has possession of the only thing that can bring people back to life, and well, Dream isn't the only one dead now. The revival book could now bring back Jschlatt, Wilbur, Mexican Dream, Tommy, OR Dream. So Techno may consider this before doing *exactly* what Dream asked. As far as I know, it's not like the revival book can only be used once. Techno doesn't really have any connections to Schlatt or Mexican Dream, but he does have major connections with Dream, Wilbur, and Tommy. (continued again lol)
01.03.2021 22:48
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Techno will probably bring back Dream, because he always repays people (whether it be in a good way or vengeful way), but who said he could *only* bring back Dream? Techno did like Wilbur, at least in the way he knew him. Personally I think he likes Ghostbur more though (speaking of which have we seen him since before the finale? I have a theory on that too) so it's probably not likely he'd bring Wilbur back. Now Tommy. Oh gosh. Tommy and Techno have a very complicated relationship. Techno put a lot of trust into Tommy, and then felt extremely hurt because Tommy realized he needed to be against Techno. And Tommy feels hurt too, he did also put a lot of trust in Techno in the old days only to watch him take his best friend's life (one of them, I guess). But I think deep down they kinda still care for each other. So to conclude, there are many ways this could go, including Philza interfering because he would want to bring one of or both Wilbur and Tommy back but yeah. That took a while lol.
01.03.2021 22:49
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But that's just a theory, a GAME THEORY ;-;
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