A Good Day!
Flipanim the Generous
Baby Darwin
sorry for advertising :(
14.04.2019 07:45
Linkim sorry but i really just want attention becuase im an extravert
I honestly don't care, ( not about this ) I feel bad for you cause I'm underrated and you're being SHOUTED and SCOLDED just for advertising.. Can those people just CHILL? I might join your map tho :D
I accept your apology. No offense but this seems a way just to get attention or get people to feel bad for you. I've seen this trick multiple times.
@SweetOnigirl Welcome to Flipanim. First of all you need to realize that people on this site are well annoying and can be pretty crap. Also look at all the facts before you judge.
Sorry that I thought you were new. You acted like you were new.
I also know what it is like to have people hate me but what does have to do with this drama.
This person can be sweet but still. They're annoying. They still shouldn't of done what they did. Just because their sweet doesn't mean they get an excuse.