14.01.2022 23:15
Linklet me type.
14.01.2022 23:21
Linkokay i'm not even going to hide my actual feelings in this. you're an inconsiderate **** if you use a disease that has, will and is killing people as we speak, to deem something as "cringe".
it's not a joke. people dying is not a joke. you are funny. you're insensitive.
it's not dark humour because jokes are meant to have a ****ing punchline. there is no punchline, you're just being an asshole.
you realise that cancer has took the lives of so many people. so many people who could of gone on to actually live a life. so many people who have never had the opportunities that you, as someone without it, have had or will have. there are so many families with someone they care about dead because of cancer. and you're using it because you see something as cringe.
you're pathetic. you're a ****ing wanker. i hope you have a ****ing awfully shit week. **** you.
14.01.2022 23:29
Linkif you disagree with me, please, carry on and explain why you think using a life threatening disease in place of the word cringe is okay.
i feel like if you were affected by it by someone you were close to getting it, you would not have that opinion anymore.
and. no. i am not wishing that to happen to you or someone you care about. i'm giving you a situation.