FA is dying (Comments)
26.10.2024 17:26
LinkFA Is dying and it’s all for one reason. About two years ago a certain button mysteriously vanished for no reason. As far as I know, this vanishing of the button is causing the website to eventually die out. This button was the register button, without this button no new people can join flipanim anymore making it harder for big creators like MatthewMason and SoulessCarnage to grow. This sucks because the website was such an important part of my life, it taught me most of what I know about animating to this date and also helped me make new friends. Sadly I never got in contact with those friends after we left FA but I still made friends. You might be thinking, why am I doing all of this? Well actually I kinda have a reason but it’s a lil dumb. Anyways my plan is to eventually help revive FA and maybe make the owner of FA reconsider deleting that sacred button we all miss to this day.
26.10.2024 17:29
LinkI a;so will be making a yt vid abt this: https://www.youtube.com/@BallBlaster59