Crystal's history


21.01.2022 05:56
LinkI'm guessing she first started off as a black robotic robot that was canine with the visor from a protogen she's somehow evolved somewhere in time to become Gray I then change their design once again but I decide the previous design gets corrupted by some evil entity that was like a broken down version of crystal, fully gets corrupted and fun time Inc and her brother fight the evil version beheaded her, they didn't want to use the corrupted one so they built a new version becoming Crystal the one we have today

21.01.2022 05:58
LinkGot my character's name wrong legit I named this account after this character and I got their name wrong wow

21.01.2022 06:00
LinkOh and also there was this character named mag that one was the previous to who is now Crystal and when these two were created I kind liked fandroid at the time so they were kind of characters of well the person I just mentioned earlier Mag has died but that I just eventually just get rid of the character