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Asylum Dreamtale Backstory▾
05.03.2021 13:35
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~Two balls of light created by the tree they would soon be guarding…The new balance between Positivity and Negativity. Things went good for years and years, no problems. However…that was until the incident that would shatter the well-being of the entire AU. ~"Hey, Yin! Watch me!" Yang climbed the tree that the two were guarding and picked two apples, throwing them down to his brother. Yin caught them. "Thanks, Yang!" Yin smiled and took a bite. A few seconds later, goop was falling from his body as Yang jumped down. He was unaware of the issue at the time and took his apple. "Oh quit your playing, brother! It's not funny!" Yang took a bite of his apple. The same thing his brother was going through…was now happening to him as a large crowd gathered to see what was wrong with their young guardians. And that's when the brothers started to rampage and kill everything and everyone they saw. ~"SOMEONE HELP! OUR GUARDIANS HAVE BETRAYED US!!" Someone yelled out as everyone screamed and ran from them.
05.03.2021 13:38
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~The nearby asylum staff ran out and seized control of Yin and Yang, calming them down and putting them in straight-jackets. They put them together in one cell, thinking it was better to keep them together in one place. ~Over a few months, the staff attempted to help them. But it was in vain. Instead of helping them, they caused the brothers to REALLY lose their minds. Only responding calmly to one another. And they never got better. It was only a year later that they escaped and no one saw the brothers again.
20.05.2021 15:50
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~But that wasn't the end of it. The reason no one saw them was that their mom, the Spirit in the Tree trapped them in a special item that changed into different things so no one could find it…but someone did.
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