eeee wwyd


13.04.2021 17:04
LinkA- Your oc has known piper (pan) for a long while now. Maybe even fell for her. Your oc knows full and well she's a criminal, but hey, shes actually a pretty nice person when you get to know her. Suddenly, one night while you were away from her, your oc felt a sharp pain in the back of their head and blacked out, soon waking up and finding they were tied to a chair with metal clamps over their wrists.
B- your oc has lately had the feeling of being watched almost everywhere. They kept seeing strange movements in trees or in the fery corner of their eyes to the point they see it but cant make out what the movement is. Then, one day, they finally got a glimpse of a man watching their movements. They decided to give him a piece of their minds. (Xavier, bi, prefers guys)
C- Your criminal oc was caught finally, and put into a holding cell. Nico (pan) was the cop who'd been forced to watch over your oc on guard. While bored, your oc decided to try flirting with him, or just wanting to mess with him.

13.04.2021 17:06
Linkwill be on and off till i get back home (still at school)
also if theres typos, sorry. Theres a huge storm right now and we're in the worst building in the school to be in a storm so I'm kinda shay right now (shut up, i know its an irrational fear)

13.04.2021 17:06

13.04.2021 17:07

13.04.2021 17:07

Ayee ok
"-Lana just sat in the cell wondering how the hell she got caught,she was a little bitter about it, she looks over at the guard, bored she wanted to mess with him-
"-Mercy wasn't too pleased and stares at the man whos being watching him- what the hell do you want. -he wasn't too friendly towards strangers, especially when they bother him-"
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"-she stuck her tongue- bleh you're no fun, but im not wrong, you're kind of my type, its a shame -he huffed a bit,she looked around a bit to see if she could possibly get out-"
"-he grumbled- you really gotta start asking questions...another thing is, how is it hard to kill me?? And no thats not a invite to try to -he rubs his side temples with with point finger and thumb-"

"Mmm cute name -she sat on the floor in front of the basr- soo...ever tried editable rocks? -she said randomly-"
"Eh...well you see. I enjoy my life at the moment and rather not have someone kill me right now, tough luck for you I guess -he pulls a cigarette and lighter from his pocket to have a quick smoke-"

"-she smiled- if things were different i think we'd get along pretty well -she chuckled- but back to those editable rocks, they looks like rocks but there actually chocolate painted as rocks, pretty neat?
"-he exhales the cigarette smoked- maybe just emotions, I doubt you got attached to me tho...-he looks over to him- hah or perhaps you just have more empathy than you think-"

"-she gave a big grin- their really good personally -she hummed- damn..I wonder if I fed my cat -she mumbled, she bites at her nails thinking- haha my cat probably think I'm all locked in my room again..-she sighed-"
"-he raised a brow- it seems like it from where im staning. -he put the cigarette out with the heel of his shoe- tell me, whats your name?"

"Yup my window, just didn't feel like locking up my house before I left, so the window it was -she picked at her finger skin- sidenote if you're curious, my cats name is mushroom -she proudly smiled-"
"If you're gonna grumble, try being more quiet or just speak your mind -he clears his throat- this is bothersome...-ge huffed, trying to figure out what his next course of action was going to be-"

"-she went up to the cell bars and rest her arms around them- I'll give you anything you want if you let me go -her eyes look at him pleading- im kind of missing my cat -she weakly smiled and laughs softly-"
"Shut it. -he hissed a bit, he adjusted his classes and sighs- so who is this person you you're bringing me to?-"

"-she was getting somewhere finally, she smirked softly- oh like what?- she chuckled- just about anything you want nico-she said his name with a purr like tone- whether if its a sexual favor or not -she brushed her hair back with her fingers, her eyes basically glowing as she kept eye contact with him-"
"Hm ok.. I want this to just hurry up so can we get going? -he stretched his arms up with a slight yawn-"

B imma use Carter I sadly deleted his ref so ill see if I have it saved as a picture)
"Have you been stalking me or something!?" He huffed as he walked over to him
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"The center of your being. Then the energy can evenly disperse throughout your body. Though, for some people its different."" He stopped, pointing at the top of where his sternum would be, his mid-chest, then lower where the end of the ribs would be in the middle. "If its lower, its a soul more connected to the body. Athletes, body builders, ect have low souls. middle, closest to the heart, are open minded and usually the kindest people. They are often the live savers and doctors since their minds and power are evenly matched, so they can think to save, and actually act on it. Higher is closer tot he mind. Mathematicians, scientists, people like that have souls connected to the minds""

B and C
Yes ik we're already doing a rp with eachother shut
B- Danirl glared and growled at him
C- uh shit so remember that one AU of dusty I made that I never drew wheres hes a complete weirdo and it was in that one wwyd I made with him giving his number to your OC at a coffeeshop
Yrah I'm using him
He had this smirk on his face as he stared at nico

Xavier let him stand, "Just come on! I aint bringing you to my boss but we need to find an alternative!"
he raised a brow, turning to him fully, "This isnt the first time someones tried to flirt with me to let them go. Plus, all you're doing is flattering me. if I did let you go, you'd probably just a soon kill me..."
p f f f t )

``i-`` he growled under his breath, muttering to himself
for the first time since he got here, he was silent, he went to go sit down, tapping his foot against the floor, staring at the floor, memories flooding back, "did they find her body..?" he thought to himself as tears flooded his eyes "they couldnt have.. n-no it.."
he became sick to his stomach as he imagined what her body looked like now, all decomposed and shit

he stayed quiet, thinking
he ignored him, or.. thats what it looked like, he was too scared to hear, he soon screamed, and went into a corner, crying ``please- please- go away- dont hurt me- please- wh-where are your eyes please- PLEASE-`` these words repeated, him soon screaming them, covering his face, the hallucinations started to take place

"Xavier, i dont know if I can find anything.. If he had a soul, I'd find out some unlucky idiot with a soul close enough to his but there's,,, obvious a small problem with that," Nico sighed
"Oh c'mon! ONE MORE, Nico! Then I'll be free again!!" Xavier whined
"Hey- Hey!" Nico frantically unlocked the door, shutting it behind him but comin closer, "Hey, I need you do calm down, okay?"

"Its not just the name I'm given, dimwit!" he hissed. he held a hand out, a scythe summoning with a flash of light. He struck it across the ground and it seemed to create a small, glowing pane of what seemed like glass. "Look familiar, asshat?" he asked, pointing at the flat plane of glass, which showed a birds eye view of Daniel in real time
he kinds panicked, trying to use more spells to calm him fully

He lifted a brow, ``huh. Well shit. You're out of luck then my guy. Unless you can figure out how to kill a sanguis. Which, in case you havent noticed, I'm not a normal demon,`` he said with a snicker, ``but.. I am quite hungry. So. If you could let me go so I could catch a poor dyslexic apricot of a human to claim as my dinner, I'll be on by way.`` soon, a devilish grin spread across his face
Soon, the color came back to his face, and his hands stopped trembling

``well OF COURSE you've never heard of my kind haha!- I'm the only one of my kind. I have been for 5
W h o l e
Now he just seemed crazed and lonely. He sounded really lonely
Woah dont pull out the 9 jamal-)
Wait random thought. I would assume he
Isnt a virgin-?)
Call the authorities? Does he have are stupid? Lmao jk)
His tail was between his legs, it looked like he was gonna be like this for a few hours

He chuckled, ``alright then hehe`` he said then soon disappeared, and since there wasnt a crowd of people it was more clear that he turned into a shadow, then got out of the house to go find his dinner
A few people took nico in for questioning while the paramedics took ajax down to the hospital

He soon was eating blood, hoping they werent using that mirror glass thing to watch him, tearing the victim open, and smiling sadistically as he did so
``wait,`` the officer said, ``what was he yelling to? Was there anyone else in the room? Do you remember the words he was saying?`` they asked him

He looked at the body again, a smile on his face, tail wagging happily, as he licked the blood of his fingers, noe just playing with her insides, soon decided to dispose of the body, and picked it up, it had been clear he had targeted a young female, who looked about in her twenties, humming softly, went to a lake, putting rocks in the womans body, the orange had been put in a bag, he sewed her up, gave her a kiss on the forehead, ``you were a great meal, and a great toy, burn in hell whore~`` he said, then threw her body into the lake, satisfied with his work, he went home, and cleaned himself up, getting ready to take a shower, his clothes already in the washer, turning on the water, being completely naked, stared at himself in the mirror for some time, all his scars, all his bruises, and oh god his neck, he touched and stroked his neck gently, along with some of the scars on his arm. Then got in the shower
Damn sorry for that bring a bit too descriptive jesus-)
``doesnt matter we have to

He soon finished with his shower, got clothes on, and laid in bed with a black cat, the cats fur was darker than night itself, the cat purred as it nuzzled into Daniel's chest as he pet it, he flicked on the tv and started watching.. kids shows?? This man killed a woman and dumped her body in a lake, and is watching kids shows???? ****ing octonauts, bolt, megamind, and many more I mean weird flex but ok 😳
``just bring us to the room or place which were we can get the footage.``

Megamind was best boye--)
Didnt realize how sadistic daniel was until that was typed-)
Just reading that sentence you typed made me wheeze lmao-)
He continued to watch the kids shows until his cat meowed to be fed, he stood up to go feed him, eh **** it, might as well feed his snakes too
It was clear he was an animal lover, he talked in those voices you usually do with your animals and if you dont do that you're not a human
They looked through the footage and whispered with eachother

That's how I'm describing daniel now-)
He suddenly remembered something, ``Xavier.. I knew it sounded familiar..`` he muttered as his expression grew saddened, then just went to watch tv again, his arms behind the could and his legs spread, he ofc didnt see anything wrong with this position, damn if he had his shirt off that would be porn material like jfc. He watched tv still
Also sorry if I seem a bit too descriptive when I'm roleplaying with someone I like to rp with this happens,, I also have like,, motivation so I'm wasting the rest of it on this,, I'm also quite interested in this rp,,)
``he may have schizophrenia. And I'm sure he killed that woman. The look in his eyes say so. The real question is.. mental hospital or jail?``

y e s ))
Xavier perked when he heard his name, confused. He looked back at the pane and literally looked like he was about to have a nosebleed at the sight, coughing from how bad he got caught off guard
Nico just started cackling when all he saw was the reaction
"well- thats gotta be a mental hospital-" he said, brows furrowed, "right?"

He got up and got some chocolate, and started to nibble on it, his tail swaying as he continued watching tv
``well,`` one officer said, ``he did kill a woman. She was probably defenseless. Why would he kill a wo-``
Soon a paramedic came and cut off the cop mid sentence with the start of their own, ``ajax has something to confess``
The next thing may be long so be aware lol-)

He hummed softly as he watched his show, yawning every once and while
Ajax soon came into the room, still in cuffs, his head down
``now tell them what you told us, alright hun?``
He nodded, sighing shakily before speaking, ``before anything happens. Do NOT interrupt me and dont make any decisions before I finish.. so.. the dead woman.. is... well.. WAS my girlfriend.. we had been together for about a year.. I knew she was cheating on me.. in.. July I think.. I finally decided to talk to her about it.. she started getting hostile.. a-and yelling at me.. accusing me of being the cheater.. and I can assure you.. I never looked at another female the way I did her, cheating on such a perfect girl like her never crossed my mind.. when she started yelling she started to.. t-to be a biy.. ab-abusive.. I'm started to have a mental breakdown and a panic attack.. I saw.. monsters around the room.. then.. blacked out?.. but I still knew what was going on.. I felt the blood splash on my face as-

-i slit her throat while she was lunging at me, when I came back into reality I saw her dead body in front of me.. and... a-a-and..`` he started to get nervous, ``there was.. these things around the room.. one of them was a hairless cat body.. with a human head.. another was a floating head with blood coming out of its nose eyes and mouth.. then there was a-a black figure with no arms or legs wearing a deer skull mask.. there was also this.. shadow figure looming above her dead body.. I knew noone would belive me so I did the stupidest thing ever.. I tried to bury her body.. her dogs, however.. attacked me..`` he said as he showed his chest and shoulders, which had bite Mark's and scratches definitely a dogs, ``then.. I killed the dogs too.. and buried her body under the dogs.. i thought i was safe until.. u-until he mentioned me being in custody for being a suspect in a murder.. that made me panic and.. and I saw.. a.. a dark tall body figure with no eyes.. slowly crawling towards me... im...`` he sighed-

Xavier groaned and scampered off to go hide out his embarrassment in a room.
Nico looked down at the pane and chuckled, sending a note with magic to the man, 'tomorrow i need to test something, will you come back?'
Nico blinked, caught off guard. "W-well...theres your insanity plea,," he muttered. he honestly felt bad for the man

He looked at the note in a confused way looking around the room, ``uhh.. okayyy??``
The guards sigh, and go to take ajax away, him flinching like he was gonna be hit, and he was dragged away to a mental asylum
Do you wanna timeskip to were he gets out with good behavior? Or end the rp here-)

His cat soon came back and sat on his lap, he did a happy hasp, ``who's a pretty kitty?? Ya you, you're the prettiest kitty!!`` he said with a smile, his tail wagging, he seemed to get distracted easily
Alr alr)
He stepped outside, the fresh air blowing into his face he smiled. He was finally free.
Also did you like his backstory,,)

Ooh my gawd its an angry latino-)
``tch- one of these days seth I am going to kill you- so slow and painfull haha- anyways. Go bother a different person. I gotta go.
Oh shut up you horny bastard.``
He scoffed then turned into mcshadow and zoomed off
S h o u l d B e B u r n i n g I n H e l l-)
``oh.. um.. i-i dont have any money.. s-sadly.. I cant pay for my own..``

C). The short, thin woman grinned gently as she leaned against the bars of the holding cell with a soft grin, her arm wrapped around one of the bars and she giggled gently, giving him a sweet smile. Her white feathery wings drooped behind her and a small golden halo hunt along her head. It was odd, a girl like her, so angelic, beautiful even, could be held with charges such as attempted murder, several counts of man slaughter and even a few robberies.
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