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I'm sick of fighting...
16.04.2018 21:15
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People tell me to not let it get to me, just push it away or keep it inside. But...isn't bottling up my emotions what started all of this? What drove me past madness? Isn't that how this all happened and you want me to just keep doing it? I mean, I can't think of anything better to do so of course I'm going to do it, but since I'm doing this and going through this and you aren't don't I get a say before you make me do anything? Clearly not because you are still moving me in this direction when I want to go down this road, making me this when I want to be that, and then telling me I'm the problem? Things like this are why I can't be open which you seem to not understand. I don't have to do what you want me to, but I choose to. Do not forget that. You do not control my mental state and I can just cave in right now but instead I fight because I don't want to see you sad or disappointed. I do all of this because of you and you seem to let that go to your perfect head. Well, I'm sick of fighting over this.
16.04.2018 21:18
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I want to just cave in and cry. I already listen to the voices, why don't I give them full control. The kind of control you feel like you are in. You feel like you can just choose when I'm happy but what you don't get is you don't control it. The urges and thoughts are like weather, some days clear skies, other days a full on storm. The thing is, nobody controls weather. You don't choose for it to rain or snow. You don't control my happiness. On some days I'm happy, other days I take five pills, turn the lights off, and curl up in a ball on the floor and just cry. I fight for you to realize this and to get over this. You are like an obstacle that I am sick of dodging. I want to give up. At this point it doesn't sound half bad. I want to do what I usually do on the dark days and fall down and cry. What is so wrong with that? I want to give in.
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