Dose anyone now this show
03.08.2020 05:04
LinkI just finished the show and I loved it
03.08.2020 05:05
LinkWhy two likes already?! * confused happy screams
03.08.2020 05:21
LinkWell I made my own character . he’s a indoraptor beast man . but not a normal one , one like michiru . So the story I mad for how he is a indoraptor beast man is his father was trying to make dinosaurs , but his head scientist had a idea to make dinosaur beast men . a note to make that beast men and humans evolved millions of years after the Dinosaurs died so there is no way one could have been One . so the head scientist injected his hybrid dinosaur dna into him to make a super weapon , a smart fast strong super creature . But after a week he gave up because he thought that it didn’t work But it did . So when he first transformed he was is crazy shock and ran away . Then he thought the same as michiru . All of this happend 5 years before michiru came to the city . He grew up as a beast men . he also has the some powers as michiru but usually don’t use them and is more a loner and dosent is alone on the streets because he dosent want to make contact with other beast men usually , he only interacts with ....
03.08.2020 05:26
LinkBeast men if they need help , or they are a beast men he knows . He uses his powers to grow bat like wings To fly. and feathers to keep warm the most often . When he is in his base human form he looks exactly like when he was injected with the dna because the new dna stunted his normal form so he changes himself to look older but mentally
he is 15-17 . he’s base scales are black and eyes and stripe are blue When in beast men form . And that’s it
03.08.2020 06:07
LinkHe usually wears a black or blue hoodies and shorts . he doesn't like hats because the never fit when he’s in beast men form but he likes beanies . He also wears headphones sometimes . He dosent wear shoes usually but when he dose he wears Sandals
03.08.2020 06:10
LinkHe has a full animal mode when he is all indoraptor . This form only activates When he is extremely scared or angry , he only uses it on Purpose to get some wear really fast or when he is struggling in a fight
03.08.2020 06:40
LinkHis indoraptor powers would be bulletproof , increased speed and strength , and echolocation witch is a ability the Indoraptor is rumored to have .
03.08.2020 06:51
Link I forgot to say that he wears a face mask to cover he teeth that show . It’s black and has a smile that looks like sans
04.08.2020 02:31
LinkHe’s eyes glow to when experiencing strong emotions . But different colors to . blue is the most common and red is the rarest , I’ll explain it now . it go’s blue , green , yellow , dark blue , and finally red . The rarer the stronger emotion
. I’m still on the fence if he should have a breath attack , like a gaster blaster or just fire .