

01.10.2020 15:13
LinkSo, I've been waking up around 7:15-7:40am, even though my class starts at 9. I've been waking up early before any of my family to go on FA and have breakfast. My family likes to stay up around 9:00-10:30pm to watch a little TV before bed. I will be taking a hiatus for my mental health. Also in class when things are getting hard, or too easy or boring, I decide to minimize my Zoom window and go on FA. I try to force myself not to do that but it never works. I will take a hiatus for school. Also I may neither of those because I'm addicted to this website. Even more reason to take a little break. Yesterday my eyes hurt because I was on a screen to much. I will take I hiatus for my physical health and strength. Also the internet is being inappropriate and gross now.

01.10.2020 17:39
Link2 hours later. As usual, nobody cares. I'm going for at least a week.

01.10.2020 18:38
LinkDo you need me to explain more? Part 1. Hiatus for mental health. Waking up to a screen in your face + Barely any sleep = Bad mental health and falling asleep in class, which leads us to part 2. Part 2. Hiatus for school. No school or education + Instead of school, FA and ANIMATING website = Brain to be a blob made up of 2 brain cells. Part 3. Hiatus for physical health and strength. No exercise all cooped up in a house during quarantine + On a screen all day = Eyes hurting like you threw salt in them. Part 4. Hiatus so I don't get exposed to more nasty things. I don't even know how much more clear that could be.