yawning dragon, cuz why not
Radonperson cat
A: "Mmm.. Idk.."
don't mess with fairy pokemon
by the last light of day
ep 1
31.01.2021 04:09
Link 1............
the lord family had three little cubs, wolf cubs! in egg clan, this was in a very hard year for all of us, a sickness called forea a sickness that will make you cough and nos turn stuffy and yo will cough blood sometimes.
31.01.2021 04:15
Linkhis mom got it and she needed the father to go but the father had left her. So she made egg the oldest go. and sometimes he will let eggy come. he would always get a cookie from the baker for their mom. he loved mom, but mom still coughed blood when he was around her.
31.01.2021 04:16
Linkegg needed to gett medicine for her)
31.01.2021 04:48
Linkso he went to every store to find some, but the bottles of medicine were 19$, he only had 10, he needs to sell his stuff to buy it, someone asked eggy lord if he will kill eggnog for 1,00 dollars he said yes, and he murdered his sister and he got the money. so he paid the medicine her mom and help pay bills, and pay the dinner.
31.01.2021 04:49
Linkfor his mom*