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If animators were in Warcraft
Let me type
05.05.2019 16:21
LinkIf you type before me,I will delete your comment
05.05.2019 16:32
LinkAbout 2000 years ago,there were 5 dimensions in peril.
Earth, Diamond break, Scatterfall, Premonical, and Telefinamonica.There were five gaurdians overseeing them,but had died from unknown causes.There offspring were supposed to take control of the dimensions,but ended starting a war between the 5.In the process,the Earth dimension's main inhabitants,Humans, were destroying the dimension.
As for they all had a certain way they acted.The Telefinamonica dimension was a fighting/war based realm,as for they were in constant bloodshed.There previous guardian,Blade, had died,leaving his daughter,Foxtrap(yes she is in this),to take control of his realm,but she instead left them while she fought with the others.
The Premonical dimension was a realm of law and order,as to they were the ones who brought order upon all the other dimensions.There ex-guardian,Feather,left her duaghter,Chance,to take over,but because she wasn't good at things like this,a order in the 5 dimensions went wrong,and thats what caused the war
05.05.2019 16:33
Link(I gotta do another one,hold on)
05.05.2019 16:47
LinkIn the Scatterfall dimension,that was Phantom's realm of badass prisoners.They were connected to Premonical,so when they went out of law and order,the breaches on the prisons went down,letting loose the prisoners.They were also the one who controlled the interdimensional gateway. Phantom's son,Mercury,tried to set things right,but he couldn't because he wasn't properly trained by his father.When he became the guardian and the chaos happened,he was panicking.He knew Telefinamonica had grown stronger since Foxtrap took over,so that wouldn't help him in anyway.
Earth's previous guardian,Angel,had left her daughter,Hope in control a little while before her death,so Hope knew how to work her dimension.She was by far the smartest one,but was a very poor fighter,therefore using her intelligence as her weapon.
She knew about the war,and tried getting her dimension to fight,but the interdimensional laws stated the the guardians must fight themselves,not having there realms do it for them.So instead she used the
05.05.2019 16:56
Link-resourses from Earth to help her plan things out.
In the Diamond break dimension,that was the realm of the rich and beautiful.They were usually very self-centered and dumb.
They generally had no fighting skills,becuase they didn't want to ruin their beauty.Emerald's daugher,Lavender,took over,using the dimension's riches and money to help her in the war.She was a very pretty gaurdian,but not smart or good at fighting.She was a good planner and organizer,and her beauty often got her what she wanted.But she knew that wouldn't work.So,she convinced Chance to go to the interdimensional world that over saw all 5 dimensions,and change the laws.Somehow it worked,and the five offspring were able to use their dimensions in their battle.However,because Hope couldn't use her dimension's inhabitants in the war,she had to sneak in rogues from the other dimensions to help her.
After 300 years,they finally stopped the war,as it was going nowhere.They all came to a deal,and now live in agreement with each other.
There a
05.05.2019 17:00
Link-re occasional fights between the dimensions,but nothing serious.Although,Hope's dimension, Earth, is in a very bad time.So right now,they are all trying to figure out how to stop it.
Foxtrap votes to wipe out all current Humans and start a new generation of them
Hope votes to go and talk with them.
Mercury votes to put them into his prisons.
Lavender votes to give them riches if they stop.
And Chance votes to put on a dimensional chain that binds them to only do the necessary things(Eat,drink,sleep,repopulate)
So,thats happening.