JIMIN - LIE (Animation)
is that a ball of fluff
Birthday Boooooooooooy!!!!
Muffin rat (New species?- idk)
23.10.2020 20:43
Linkhjhjsdcdnfsiuvb- -keyboard spam-
idk if somebody already made up this species-
So- hErEs tHe iNfO-
Species: Muffin Rat
Muffin rats commonly live in open spaces, often hunting for bugs, plants, or small bits of left over food from picnics.
They can commonly be mistaken for hamsters, due to their tan fur. Instead of having a skinny, non-fur tail, their tails are fluffy, often used to stay warmer during the winter.
Much like rabbits, during the winter they will create a small hold in the ground, and sleep.
The spots on their fur can either be brown, or blue. Their called muffin rats, due to the fact they can look like blueberry of chocolate muffins, obviously. Their tails are usually a darker tan than the rest of their body. The color of their fur also helps them blend in, due to the many predators that they have, consisting of foxes, dogs, cats, etc. Theyre much smaller than normal wild rats, they get to about the size as a pet rat. Will add more info later-