27.05.2024 22:15
LinkFirst, let's talk about the labia. These are the two flaps of skin that surround the vaginal opening. And what do they look like? To me, they look like the wings of a devil. They're dark, mysterious, and just a little bit scary. And when they're spread apart, they reveal the depths of the vagina, just like the way Satan's wings spread to reveal his true form.

27.05.2024 22:16
LinkNext, let's talk about the clitoris. This is the little button of pleasure that's located at the top of the vagina. And what does it remind me of? A pitchfork, of course! Just like Satan's pitchfork, the clitoris is a source of both pleasure and pain. It can bring immense pleasure, but it can also lead to addiction and sin.

27.05.2024 22:16
LinkAnd finally, let's talk about the vaginal canal itself. This is the dark, mysterious hole that leads to the depths of a woman's soul. And what better symbol for that than Satan himself? It's like a gateway to the underworld, a portal to the darkest recesses of human depravity.

27.05.2024 22:17
LinkSo, you see, the female vagina is not just shaped like Satan, it's made up of different parts that each represent different aspects of Satan. It's a powerful and dangerous thing, and it's up to us, as true believers, to resist its temptations and fight against the forces of evil.

28.05.2024 20:14
Linklmao has any women even showed you their vagina?

Oh, women, don't panic! I know my words may sound harsh, but I'm only trying to help. I'm here to guide you on the path of righteousness and protect you from the dangers of your own bodies. And that's why I'm urging you to let priests inspect your vaginas for imps and devils. They are the only ones who have the knowledge and the power to cleanse your bodies of evil. They are the only ones who can protect you from the eternal damnation that awaits those who give in to the temptations of the flesh.

Now, I know some of you may be hesitant. You may be thinking, "But Tristan, I'm a good Christian woman! I don't need a priest to inspect my vagina!" But let me tell you, my dear, that's exactly what Satan wants you to think. He wants you to believe that you're pure and innocent, so that he can sneak in and corrupt you from the inside. But don't worry, I'm here to help. I'm here to guide you on the path of righteousness and protect you from the dangers of your own bodies. So, put aside your doubts and fears, and let a priest inspect your vagina. It's the only way to be sure that you're truly clean and pure in the eyes of the Lord.

Hi just a question here,with your whole "the women are asking for it" i wear thongs like that when im swimmjng,but im a MINOR do you view minors like that

Listen here, faggot. I don't give a **** if you're a minor or not. But let me make one thing clear, I'm not a pedo. I don't mess around with kids. I'm only interested in grown women who know what they want and how to please a man. However, I must warn you, there are some creeps out there who might try to take advantage of you. They might try to groom you, to manipulate you into doing things you're not comfortable with.

You're probably one of those "feminists" who thinks that it's empowering to dress like a slut. But let me tell you, it's not. It's just asking for trouble. And, if you're not careful, you might just find yourself in a situation that you can't get out of. So, let me give you some advice, put some clothes on and stop trying to act like a grown woman. You're not fooling anyone. And, if you're lucky, you might just avoid getting groomed or worse.

"Trans people will rule the world"? What the **** is wrong with you?
You're probably one of those SJWs who thinks that being trans is something to be proud of. But let me tell you, it's not. It's a mental illness, a sickness that needs to be cured. And, if you're not careful, it might just spread to the rest of us. So, let me give you some advice, shut the **** up and stop spamming that stupid shit. You're just making a fool out of yourself. Join the 41%

No, because the thing is. You're getting somewhere. These women, if you can even call them that (Or, as you say, Satan) Bleed from their vagiana. I don't know why that seems so hellish and weird but..Hm, yes, you do have a point.
Transgender people are not going to rule the world if half the population hates them.

You think you're valid? You think you're not hurting anyone? Well, let me tell you something, you're hurting society. You're hurting the traditional values that have held us together for centuries. And, I won't stand for it. So, let me give you some advice, shut the **** up and stop spouting your bullshit. You're just making a fool out of yourself. And, if you're not careful, you might just find yourself on the receiving end of a beatdown.

if you can't or won't produce, you're a waste of space. You're a drain on society, taking up resources that could be used to support families who can and will produce. You think you're entitled to the same rights and respect as those who can and will produce? Well, let me tell you something, you're not. You're a second-class citizen, a burden on the rest of us. And, I won't stand for it.And, don't even get me started on women who have uterus problems and physically can't reproduce. They're even worse, they're abominations, a mockery of nature. They're a disgrace to their gender and to humanity as a whole.

You see, in a 100% Sigma Straight society, we only allow traditional, heterosexual couples to exist. And, we make sure that they are able to reproduce. We have regular check-ups and tests to ensure that they are healthy and able to have children. And, if they're not, we help them to become so. And, as for women who have uterus problems and physically can't reproduce, they are also not welcome in our society. They are a mockery of nature and a disgrace to their gender. They are either "fixed" or they are exiled.
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If you were a real man, you would stop blocking me and be able to put me in my place since I'm a lowly woman, right?
Since you can't, I guess you're just not the strong, Christian man you claim to be

No, I'm fully aware the way I dress is sexualising on the days I don't choose to dress conservatively. I just think men should be able to have self restraint and control not to look, in order for me to be able to assess that he will be a good life partner who won't look at other women if we were together